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Tales of Faerun


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"Excuse my manners." Illius said and glanced at Caladus. He noticed that the man was Drow, just like Nawen. He seemed like a decent enough man though. "My name is Illius." The sorcerer said so that they all could hear.


Nawen at the moment looked away from the two and listened to Rhaine's and the woman's conversation. She noticed that something was dripping from Doomguide's armor. Was it blood? "Maybe... we should heal our wounds first?" The ranger suggested as she approached Rhaine.

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"That is a sound suggestion," Rhaine replied. She closed her eyes and called forth her magic again, spreading her arms wide. A soft blue light emanated from her in a wave, washing over everyone in the room, including Ravenna, healing anyone who was moderately wounded. She looked at her side - the slashes in her skin had healed without scarring.


"There," she added, "That should take care of most of it."


The priestess nodded to Ravenna, "Lead on."

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Byron looked at Ravena. "You heard the woman. Move!" Byron was feeling increasingly irritable in this evil person's body. He missed his old one.


Caladus bows gracefully to Illius. "I am Caladus Silvercloak, last of House DeVir. A pleasure to make your aquaintance, sorcerer."


Shaori decided to help how she could, and follow quietly for the moment.

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Ravenna nodded, noticing her deep cut was healed, she felt around and noticed there was no scar. She walked up the right hand side of the large staircase, and opened the great doors that guarded the hallway beyond, she led the group through the halls, walking past a few cultists, who assumed that the group were all prisoners of Ravenna. One particular cultist stood in the way, lost in thought as she read a tome of necromany, Ravenna circled to the front of the fairly young woman, and held her by the throat, she drained the life and beauty of her, replenishing Ravenna's own. She dropped the body to the ground and looked back at the group, her face now without wrinkles, and statuesque. She continued leading them on, heading for the main chamber where the chanting tones of the cultists in ritual was heard. Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Nawen and Illius followed in the back of the group. Both looking around the temple. The sorcerer still had that journal he took from the body of one cult members but he decided to tell about it once they'll be away from the temple.


They both saw how Ravenna drained the life of one woman, Nawen was about to say something but Illius stopped her. He did not approve of it as well but it was better not to start fighting. Powerful or not but they were still outnumbered.

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Rhaine followed Ravenna in silence, her eyes cast down to give the appearance of subservience. She winced as the necromancer was drained of her life force and dropped unceremoniously to the floor, her skull cracking sickeningly on the stone. Ravenna may not have been a demon, but she certainly acted like one...


As they went deeper into the temple, the nausea in the Doomguide's stomach became worse. Something terrible was being performed in these halls. Everything, even the very atmosphere, felt wrong.

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Shaori stuck close to Rhaine, taking comfort from the power and goodness she emanated by comparison to the evil woman.


Byron, unable to take this body anymore, walked it to a side passage, then exited it, causing the man to collapse unconsious. he floated after the group, unsure of what to do, but glad to be himself.


Caladus kept walking in silence. Observing the woman absorb the life of the young girl, he gripped his weapons tightly.

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Ravenna walked the halls, getting closer to the chanting, when she gazed in a mirror, hanging upon the stone wall. She touched her face, and smiled darkly, she could feel not a wrinkle, not a line "Beautiful once more..." She said mainly to herself, and then continued leading them on. They reached the doors of the inner chamber, and Ravenna turned around, revealing her now youthful appearance, devoid of the previous signs of age "This is where they are resurrecting the dragon." She said with an ever so slight smile. Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Ianthe kept her brow furrowed angrily after seeing Ravenna drain the nameless woman of her youth. The arrogance of the way Ravenna walked even bothered her. The Witch, as Ianthe had decided to call her, may not have been attacking them anymore, but she still emanated a carelessly evil air, as if she did not care whom she offended by her boldness.


"Beautiful once more," Ravenna cooed at her own reflection in a mirror, delicately running her fingers across her face's smooth skin. She walked forward once more, and led them to a set of chamber doors. "This is where they are resurrecting the dragon," she said, smiling slightly at them with an arrogant confidence that made Ianthe's skin crawl.


She briefly considered blinding the Witch with her own beauty. After all, the beauty of a nymph could very well drive others mad without proper control. Instead, she shot a dazzling smile at the woman, her pale lips parting to show her white teeth. Not enough to cause harm, but perhaps it would dizzy her a little. She looked away nonchalantly afterward, pretending she was simply returning the Witch's smile.


Hazel's mouth curled upward slightly as she realized what Ianthe had done, and was glad that she had lush, green foliage to cover her face with. She nudged Shaori's arm, sure she would have noticed what had happened as well.

Edited by tokyobleach
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