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Tales of Faerun


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"Stlarn it, you idiots!" Rhaine cursed as Shaori and Byron charged into the room. She followed close behind, taking in her surroundings as quickly as possible.


The chamber was gigantic, and must have once been the nave of the temple. In the center of the room, placed within a binding circle, was an enormous dragon skeleton. Judging from the bits of rotting flesh that still remained on the skull, it was once an adult red dragon. Surrounding it, there were a grand total of no less than twenty necromancers, accompanied by four ancient vampire monks.


The undead were far too powerful for her to Turn. Instead, she called down a Bond of Fatal Touch, her blade glowing green as the supernatural connection was formed, and she headed for the vampire closest to her.


He was blindingly fast, his limbs knowing no fatigue. His eyes glowed scarlet in contrast with his sickly pale flesh and silver hair. Rhaine remembered these beings far too well from Myrkul's Vault. Those bloodsucking tenants had nearly killed her then...

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Shaori saw the vampire attacking Rhaine, and cast Melf's minute meteors. She started throwing flaming rocks at it, to help out.


The mage Byron had been possessing was killed, and so he possessed a guard and attacked a vampire from behind.


Caladus charged, doing backflips and dodges, jumps and slashes, in the deadliest of Drow Combat techniques

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Nawen and Illius both ran after Rhaine. The drow started shooting arrows at whoever or whatever was the closest while Illius was casting various spells to protect himself and others as well as causing damage to the enemies. He noticed the gigantic dragon skeleton. One of his Beads of Force could cause some hopefully serious damage to the skeleton but first they need to deal with the cultists.
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Rhaine was grateful for Shaori's spell...the monk couldn't possibly dodge her and the small meteors, as well. The vampire foolishly attempted to deflect the flaming rocks and exposed himself too much, allowing the Doomguide to land a devastating strike, the power of Fatal Touch unleashing a burst of divine flame upon the undead monstrosity. That, coupled with her weapon's natural enchantments, effectively rendered the vampire incapacitated. She followed up with a quick slash that removed her foe's head from his shoulders.


Suddenly, she felt a powerful and cold strike between her shoulder blades, and the priestess was thrown face-forward into the floor. She rolled over quickly to see another vampire, a female, standing over her. The monk spun to kick her in the face, but Rhaine dodged, calling another Bond as she did so. The Doomguide caught the vampiress's foot in her hand, and while the creature was off-balance, she plunged the flaming blade into its heart. Throwing the corpse to the side as it turned to ash, she lept back to her feet.

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After thinking for a moment, Ianthe said to Ravenna, "Perhaps you are right. Come, join us and show your beauty in battle as it should be witnessed: victoriously. What could be more lovely than victory, after all?" She flashed her a genuine smile as she ran into the chamber and joined the fight.


Hazel stood near Illius, casting protective spells as well, until she heard the distinctive sound of an arrow lodging itself in wood from behind her. Suddenly, she tipped slightly to the side, feeling something that kept her from standing properly. Wincing a little at the uncomfortable feel of it, she pulled the arrow from the back of her thigh and waved it at an archer nearby, "You'll have to try harder than that if you want to hurt a tree." With that, she waved a hand and sent an ice spike through his skull.


Ianthe's expression was blank as a vampire jumped toward her, fangs gleaming in the dim lighting. She slashed at it, and it laughed at her, enraging her to the point of lunging toward it, stabbing through its gut. She pulled the scimitar out with a sickening sound akin to digging through thick mud with one's bare hands. The creature continued to laugh, and Ianthe's eyes widened as it suddenly had both hands on her shoulders, and it leaned in close to her neck.


It whispered, "I am going to kill you. I will slit your neck and bathe in your blood as you beg me to kill you faster, dear elf."


Ianthe smiled dazzlingly at the vampire, and leaned in toward its neck as it blindly scrabbled at its eyes, now rendered a pure milky white, "Ah, but that is your mistake, my sweet. I am no elf." Faster than she herself thought she was even capable of, she sliced off the vampire's head and it rolled thrice on the ground before it and the limp body turned to ash.

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Illius continued throwing spells at the whoever hostile came at him, Hazel who stood near him as well as those who attacked others. It wasn't easy to try and protect others but some of Nawen's new friends had it harder. Fighting against vampires in close combat was much more dangerous than launching spells at them.


Nawen was pinning enemies down with arrows. One of them was coming at Shaori and Nawen shot the vampire monk right between the eyes. One vampire however jumped from behind and knocked her on the ground. The vampire hissed and was about to bit her but Nawen pulled her skinning knife she hid in her boot and stabbed the vampire in the neck throwing the body off her.

Edited by Naktis
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Shaori casts Smite on a vampire, and was pleased to see it catch fire. The Cacofiend that she summoned at the beginning of the fight was still holding it's own, surprisingly, and had already torn a couple of necromancers and one vampire to bits.


Caladus chopped the head off a vampire that had just burst into flames, and shapeshifts to his fire salamandsr form to burn enemies


Byron... floated unsure of what to do.

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Xallistine looked at Ravenna one last time and said "You should... your beauty can be shown in battle." He then rushed forward, as fast as his injured body could carry him, and drew his wand, wasting a powerful fire spell at a nearby necromancer, engulfing him in burning flames.


Ravenna stood... unsure of what to do... but then lifted up her arms... parts of the marble walls, glass chandeliers and stone floor began to break from it's fixed position, as Ravenna created a small cadre of stone golems, sending them into the battle, to help the adventurers.

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The vampires dealt with, the Doomguide turned her attention to the remaining necromancers. She managed to cast a Nightshield just as one of them targeted her with Magic Missile, and the incoming magic was halted by the ruby orb of energy surrounding the priestess. With a flourish, Rhaine threw a ball of energy back at the necromancer, and it manifested into a silencing spell, rendering him unable to cast anything else. She dashed forth to meet him, engaging in melee with the foul mage.


He was, perhaps, better with his quarterstaff than he was with magic, effectively parrying every strike Rhaine made. He attempted to swipe her legs out from under her twice, and on the second time, he nearly succeeded. She was losing her edge as the fight wore on.


She turned abruptly and sprinted away from him, thinking of a spell as she ran. Whirling back around, she was pleased to see that he had followed her, and she unleashed her pent-up magic as a Harm spell. The magic tore his flesh asunder, and as he howled in pain she finished him with a thrust to the heart.


Suddenly, there was a flash of light as a Bigby's Crushing Hand smacked the priestess in the torso and slammed her into the wall. Her armor clanged upon impact, and she slid to her knees. She tried to scramble back to her feet, but her head spun and her spine ached with horrible pain.

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