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Tales of Faerun


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Saerileth looked at her mother lividly "Not like thou wouldst care how I grew! Thou left when I was but a babe! Why wouldst thou leave mine father to raise me and mine brothers alone? The last time I saw thee was after I turned 12! That was to give this unto me!" She angrily indicates the symbol that holds back her hair, "Now thou strolleth unto this camp, disrupt mine training, and then expect me to just welcome thee with open arms?"


Caladus reeled with shock at the outburst. He never realized that the little girl had that much anger bottled up.


Byron...floated, unsure of what to do.


Shaori nervously jumps into the air and flies 10 feet off the ground.

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Aricia stepped back slightly and said "I... i had to leave... i could not stay with your father and you, i would have only interfered with the destiny Tyr has written for you... I... i need not explain my reasons for leaving! Your father was more than capable of looking after you, and you and your brothers have fared better without me." She said, knowing they were only excuses.
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Rhaine jerked off the charm and sheathed Touch of Death. She was still very much angry at this woman's false accusation...such things had been levied against her in the past, and they brought back very unpleasant memories. Her eyes still bore fury as she spoke, in a deathly quiet tone, "Perhaps you should take your daughter back to Celestia, if you feel the need to coddle her. Though why you would do so now - if what she says is true - is beyond my understanding."
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"THOU HADST TO LEAVE!!" Saerileth screams loud enough to frighten some birds, "Thou didst not have to leave, thou chose to leave. I agree with the Chosen of Kelemvor, Why wouldst thou cometh hear after all this time to defend me? When I wasn't even in peril? Why? Thou art not mine mother. A true mother wouldst have stayed."


Caladus looked flabberghasted.


Byron continued Floating, unsure of what to do.


Shaori drops a rock in the pond.

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Olivia was surprised how much anger had arose from the small child. It reminded of Olivia and her mother when she was younger... But she would never raise her voice that like. Olivia stepped forward, standing next to Rhaine. She looked at Saerileth, "I know you must feel a lot of mixed emotions right now... I've felt the same when my father died, and me and my mother didn't get along well. We stayed like this until I went to Wa, and I realized it wasn't my fault. nor my mothers for what happened to my father. My point is, maybe she had a excuse, maybe she didn't, but you can't keep pulling each other apart like this." Olivia said calmly. Edited by TheBestIdiot122
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Aricia looked at her daughter, still her face showing no emotion "YOUR GOD SENT ME!" She shouted, more birds flying from where they were perched "I know your father did not raise you to hate... i am still your mother, i carried you, gave birth to you. I am not perfect, but i still love you, and i always will."
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Saerileth turned towards Olivia "Keep thyself out of this, it dost not concern thee!" She then turned back towards her mother. 'Fine way of showing it! Show up out of nowhere! Thou couldst have written! Sent messages via Planeswalkers! *tears are budding in her eyes* How COULD YOU!? How couldst thou just leave like that?"
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Aricia once more looked emotionless, her face like stone tone "You will not raise your voice any further." She said sternly, in an authorized "You think where i went it was all fun and games? sipping wine and living a life of luxury? I did not leave you to have the easy life! It is awfully hard to write, while you are helping the sick, and destroying the evil." Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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