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Tales of Faerun


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"And thou couldst not even try to write or visit thy only daughter? What kind of mother are you? I was in the Temple of Tyr in Ellisium until today, and had thou even tried to contact me, thou wouldst know that!" Saerileth goes off crying.


Byron clears his throat and says "Ah'll say what we're all thinkin, Ah think ye need tae have a talk with your daughter. Sounds like ye two have some issues tae work through. Ah reckon Ah'd be upset if mah parent had done any of that."


Caladus nods "For once I agree wholeheartedly"

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Ianthe, who had poked her eyes and nose above the water and floated for a moment on her back, let herself sink and blew bubbles as she drifted down to the bottom. The girl with the pretty hair had seemed upset, but it wasn't Ianthe's place to comfort her, so she continued with her playing by arranging the small rocks around herself into the shape of a heart.
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Rhaine sighed, following Saerileth. She let her cry for a few moments before speaking.


"Young one...come here. Listen to me."

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Olivia watched Saerileth leave, crying. It hurt Olivia to see someone so young having to deal with such problems. Especially without emotional support. She sighed as Rhaine followed Saerileth, she wanted to help, but she didn't know what to say. It would probably be for the best if she didn't say anything. Olivia remembered about her past again, the remberance of the hurt and distrust... and anger. She learned to cope with this kind of issues, but had to deal with her problems by herself. Maybe she could deal with those problems with some guidance... Olivia thought to her self.


She thrust Loyalty into the ground, and kneeled down and placed her forehead at the bottom of the handle, and tightly gripped both hands around the handle. The wind blew her ponytail and her hair bang to one side, as she murmured a couple of phrases. She continued to do this for this was the Samurai's forgiveness.

Edited by TheBestIdiot122
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Rhaine embraced Saerileth fiercely, shushing her and rocking her a little. Then, she pushed her back from her and held her by the shoulders, looking into her eyes, "Listen to me. It is not a sin to have emotion, nor is it shameful. It is what makes us human...a trait that we should enjoy while we can. Look, when I first met Kelemvor not so long ago, I broke down into tears right in front of him - fell to my knees and sobbed at his feet - and that was before I was Chosen. It was a hard time for me, both physically and spiritually, and he did not think less of me for it.


"I had - well, have...he is still alive - a foster father whom I thought did not care if I lived or died. He is a lot like your mother...duty-driven, without much emotion to show even his daughter. But I learned that he did care about me, even if only just a little bit, and in his own way. You have to learn to look beyond that steely mask and see the heart within. I know that after a while of neglect, it is hard to do something like that...believe me. But you can do it, and you must if you wish to make peace with her."

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Rhaine, her anger finally fully subsided, smiled down at Saerileth, although her voice bore a slight tone of disapproval, "I am Rhaine Alcinea, and I will never be a replacement for your mother; you should not think of me as such. Now go, and speak with her - I have had enough excitement for one night."
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