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Red Bound Weapon Effect


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So, I've been looking for a crimson bound effect for summoned weapons.

Without flames if possible (but not top priority). Has anyone made a mod that does this? Or has the effect texture in it's files? I'm new to modding, so I can't make such textures and meshes myself (As much as I REALLY want to at this point).


Everywhere I look, people who have asked a similar question have been ignored, or the posts are outdated, meaning I can't bump the topic because of dead post etiquette.


PLEASE POINT ME TOWARDS THE RIGHT MOD! I have been led astray by Google and I'm already quite frustrated due to the fact that no such mod seems to exist. I know I'm just looking in the wrong places, which is why I'm here.


If it is just not possible to edit bound effects in that way, then I would also like to know and get some closure.

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Google,Google,Google,Google, it's madness I tell you.


I have never seen sought-after mod. Bound weapons has to be a mesh and texture. You could find texture for bound weapons in skyrims texture bsa. Make a backup of it then copy it to desktop and run it in something like paint.net, it's free and easy to use, just Google it. After changing color create a 7z file of it so you can share, and load created 7z file into favorite mod manager program, no esp, and enjoy

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'I have been led astray by Google'. Can't believe I wrote that... =/ Sorry I sounded so whiny. Like I said, I was pretty frustrated at that point because I had been searching for hours with no apparent answer.


jessegtgt, I can't edit textures. I don't know how. I'll see if I can find a tutorial. BTW, thanks for taking another look through the mods for me. I think I just kept using the wrong keywords or something stupid...


I'll take a look at a mod that kept coming up: Blood Magic. Maybe that has textures I want. I just need the texture for a standalone red bound effect. I already have a sword mesh in mind.

Edited by SkyrimRules15
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