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Adressing the lack of quest Mods: A collaboration between Modders, Wri


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Hi there, i am pretty new but doing Quests wouldn't be that much of a problem. I am creating quests while I work on another bigger mod.

Problem is, I am not that good at english so sometimes the dialogues wouldn't fit in the medieval-styled language. I never worked together with others on a mod. So that might take away some of your time. But if I can help with anything just let me know ;-)

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Account Name: Mikaelarp


What can i help with?:

I can help with making dungeons and quests (both as writer and maker need be)


and ive made severel mods already (both some i am and isnt comepletely happy with) all ive puplished so far is item mods but i am in the progress of making a quite large dungeon with questline custum items, spells and bosses.


and im able to help a few hours each day if its needed so just msg me


here are how the two cells look so far (let me note that it isnt finished yet at all!)


and on a small side note i cant do voice acting and textures, for the first im not that good at english and for the latter i simply dont have the tools or skills required





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Just out of curiosity, what are the criteria for getting a project to be sponsored by this thread? I'd like to be involved, and since I'm currently putting together a team, I think others here could benefit from us pooling our resources.


For example, if we have several independent teams/projects that each require voice acting, we could approach our respective VAs about helping the other teams, in exchange for help in another area, like coding or modeling. Obvious its up to the individuals if they have the time and interest in doing multiple projects, but it can't hurt to suggest it, right?


Anyway, for my part, I can offer my skills in writing, music, and possibly voice acting. I also have a little experience with the CK, and I'm learning more about it constantly. Mostly I'm a quest writer, so my CK learning has been focused on that. I currently have a few others helping me with my mod, so as it starts to take shape, I can talk to them about offering assistance to other projects in exchange for help on mine.

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To be honest, there aren't that many criteria to being sponsored. The only thing I have to know is if the project is going to be finished even without the intervention of people on this thread. This is to allow people to HELP without a modder having to do all of the work. If you can assure me that your project is making good ground, I can sponsor it.


That kind of sharing resources is exactly what I was talking about btw.

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