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What do you want to see in a companion mod?


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I'm working on a large FO4 quest mod that also has a few companions. Hoping to get some feedback on what people like/dislike from companions at this point in their Fallout 4 play-throughs, specifically:


1) What makes you dismiss a companion? (annoying comments, not enough variety, blocks doorways, no personal quest, too strong, too weak, etc.)


2) What features would you want to see in a new companion in order to try them out (e.g. human/robot/other, male/female, certain age, certain fighting style, certain look or outfit, gives certain types of quests, can buy/sell, etc.)


3) How important is the affinity system to you (follower likes, follower dislikes, etc.)?


4) Do you still enjoy the affinity scenes, or are you over it at this point? (e.g. Piper asks, "hey, got a minute" when you're about to enter a fight).


5) How many companions do you usually travel with at the same time?


6) Anything else?


Appreciate any feedback. Hoping to incorporate suggestions into the companion functionality. Thank you!




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For me, the annoying things about companions (non-custom) are their incessant chattering, crouching in front of me while I'm sneaking, strafing in front of me while I'm trying to shoot, walking fair in front of me when I start walking and pretty much being only good as a decoy/distraction as the ones I usually use are too weak and useless for much else.


I'd love to see more male (human adult) companions*. Not a dirty, junkie raider, or someone older than Old Longfellow, lol. People say there are *heaps* of male ones around but don't give examples. The ones I've found, they're usually creatures, ghouls, kids, critters.

Personally, I prefer ones with a lot of effort put into it rather than just a soulless drone who follows you around. Not tied into the affinity system is a plus for me. I don't particularly care for that 'feature.' Nothing worse than being smack in the middle of a huge fight (Trinity Tower, for example) and someone wants to have a D&M right this very second and pull me out of combat. Some sense of "oh, the player's in combat, I'd better wait until they aren't before forcing them into a long, drawn out, boring conversation about myself and my problems." would be great, lol.


I don't use any mods that allow more than one companion at a time. Maybe I just got them too early in development but, they were far too buggy and sometimes just didn't even work at all, so I just stick with one at a time. It's enough for me. Less annoyances :smile:



* - I've got one of my own planned out seeing as I've never found what I'm looking for and no one seems interested in making male companions, or male anything for that matter. So, looks like I'll be doing/learning some new things myself :smile:

Edited by star-mystyk
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the biggest thing that makes me dismiss a companion is when they keep saying the same thing over and over again, when there's no variety to anything they say. blocking doors is a close second.


I think heather casdin pretty much nailed everything I like to see in a companion. doesn't use the vanilla companion system so she's not likely to block doorways or force you into dialogue mid fight, has her own quests, has any relevant background, and has a ton of different dialogue, enough that I'm only likely to hear the same thing twice when I start a new game. she's the only one I've tried that comes anywhere close to feeling like an actual person.


I prefer the affinity system over none at all fallout 3 style (remember how bad fallout 3 companions were?), but again I like the implementation in the heather casdin mod better than the vanilla affinity system.


affinity scenes are fine if I don't get them mid-fight. make it so you don't get them until the next time you talk to your companion.


I usually travel with dogmeat and one human companion. sometimes I'll bring along two, but that's not a common occurrence.


biggest one is that I don't need to bone my companion. a lot of companions on the nexus offer little more than a short workup and a 3 second black screen of moaning. I don't care for that. if you do add the possibility of being more than just friends with your companion, make it optional.

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Gonna low-key shill my abilities as a male voice actor here. If y'all wanna make a good sounding male Companion with custom dialogue, hit me up.

I've always wanted to voice a Sentry Bot, or Deathclaw, or Zetan companion, but I could do a human guy as well.


I usually stick with a companion until I want to go with another one.

That said, some things that'll make me re-consider real fast are things like AI errors, where you're under attack and they're just standing there aiming at nothing while you're getting punched to custard by a Legendary Protectron, or they throw a grenade at the enemy you're engaging in melee range. Of course these things are usually a "Thanks, Todd" with no solution.


Never really liked the affinity thing, for the previously stated reasons of inconvenient heart-to-hearts or awkward forced boning (Which is why a Robot or Deathclaw friend would be good, imho)


I can shoot out a few of my ideas for the previously mentioned companions, if y'all are interested.

Edited by MLeonhardt
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I'd love to see more male (human adult) companions*. Not a dirty, junkie raider, or someone older than Old Longfellow, lol.




The vanillas are weird (Deacon I'm looking at you) or boring and annoying once they've been romanced (Danse). It'd be lovely to have a truly well written and well executed male companion. I've heard of at least two that are in the works, but none have made it to release yet.

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For me, Being a hetero male,
1] I like a female with the same character as a strong male, like Heather, Thank you Llama.
2] I wouldn't mind a Male (big brother type) but don't care to romance Male or Female, unless you're going to put a lot of time and effort into it.
3] Less Dialog unless there's a good story to it or comments that fit the situation (thanks again Llama).
4] Random Derogatory comments over and over before a battle (like Piper), bug the whole thing.

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