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Some Advice Please


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Hello all


Recently I chose to reinstall Skyrim with a decent selection of mods, one mod which I think is pretty neat is "Live another life", this allows you to skip the boring and repetitive intro of Skyrim with about a dozen or so new beginnings. Nothing really fancy like a new intro but a new start.


So I've started a new game, well I'm still in the staging area(prison cell) of the above mentioned mod. So far I made one character, and Orc but I don't know what to do with him... let alone what the character's path should be. The mod offers plenty of nice starting points.. some very difficult some easier.


I don't really RP so if anyone has some experience with this mod, some creativity would be appreciated.


Thanks for reading.

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Live Another Life is one of my favorite mods. I still haven't tried out a lot of the options but I loved the "shipwrecked" option and the "left for dead." I don't know if it was just me but it took me about 15 minutes just to figure out how to get out of the ship which sort of made it feel realistic. You can find a few pieces of equipment around in the boat so don't start without anything. If you're also using frostfall this start may be impossible since you're going to be in frigid water and not very close to land (I just started using frostfall so I don't know for sure).


Left for dead is pretty cool too. I have WIS, DeadlyDragons, and Immediate Dragons. That made for a great start the time I did this one. I woke up with no gear and a dragon overhead. I hauled ass for Solitude (the closest city). The only thing that saved me from the dragon was a group of mages that spawned and distracted him long enough for me to get away. It was an intense start to the game (much more so than the vanilla story).


If you're not roleplaying then some of the starts won't really make sense for you, mainly the ones that align you with another faction from the start vigilant, bandit, etc. Just being a "patron at a local inn" lets you choose where you want to start and gives you some money/gear to start with.


That's just my experience, I'm not sure what you're looking for since you said you don't RP so I'd just play around with them. Pick one and play it for a few and see how you like it, if it's not your cup of tea just reload and pick another.

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