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Load issues. Mods and Mod quests Resets. Lose most items, even all clothing.


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When loading a save game; I experience a reset which reloads my mods, quests prompted by mods, Lose a good majority of my items including all apparel and resets my character looks, and my Nora companion mod resets and she respawns back to Abernathy Farms.


Has anyone else experienced this issue? Does anyone know a way for a work around or know of any way to fix this?

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  • 9 months later...

Greetings, JCrawford.


I have this issue, and I look everywhere for any aid. About this, I the 2nd of december 2018 submitted a bugreport in the "Bugs"-section in the RU556 310N Camo-mod. No response so far.Later on thou, a guy on Steam has helped me a lot with things, though the issue ain't solved yet. I showed him my bugreport, and he told me it is very unlike that this mod caused it. It by the way happened after the 255 plugin-limit was exeeded. Since then, I've tried various things, and lately I seamingly got things to work, until an incompatibility caused a crash, and I had the same problem again. When did you issue first occur?


Here's my bugreport: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/35736?tab=bugs


Also, I found this using Google: https://steamcommunity.com/app/377160/discussions/0/364040166678035655/


Not sure if you better understand the responses on the page to which second URL links. Hope we can aid one another.




Klaus Lehrmann



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