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List of new kids to adopt and where from in TKAA (Will this help?)


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Hey all!


So I am playing through and initially as I was doing testing I was trying to find out where some of the kids might be from the pics on the mod. It was hard finding the newer ones unless you stumble across them. So now as I am playing through I am writing down each kid, where I find them, taking some screen shots etc. I was thinking this could be helpful for folks if I made a thread about it? Before doing so I wanted to see if it already exists and my searching just wasn't up to snuff. Also would this spoil the mod for people?


My idea was to put it up with spoiler tags and add kids as I find em. Personally i like the discovery. I also find being more careful wading into enemy camps for fear of killing a kid there adds a cool element to my game. That said some folks may want to build their own little elf family, bandit family, vampire family..whatever.


Thoughts? I found that the people who came before and posted things helped me out so I'd like to give back a bit. Also if this is the wrong section to post let me know and I am happy to move it.



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I'm interested. Currently playing a High Elf for my first time ever (6 1/2 years in this game, and I finally decided to try it). Naturally, he wouldn't want anyone of an inferior race in his household, calling him father like some kind of overly affectionate housepet, so if you wouldn't mind, I would definitely be interested.

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