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custom raptor creater not showing in ck,

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Hi everyone ,,

i've got a custom creature (raptor type reptillian) its all setup normal mapped completely new.

Reworked the werewolf mesh to fit, then skinned it and exported

did all the steps right, previously did this with an armor set..

but the model won't show in the CK


LAst time Omegared fixed it by simply importing it to Blender and exporting (not changing anything)

after this I was able to reimport to max and change the skinning and tweak it and correctly export.


I can;t figure out what i'm doing wrong in max, apparantly anything i model has to be pulled through blender to and exported back to nif, before i can actually export from max succesfully.

used all versions of the niftools exporter, all give the same issue. invisible creature


its not:






If someone could just import the nif to blender and export it would help me tremendously

you can find it here http://dl.dropbox.com/u/73918656/R1.nif


if someone can see what is wrong and how i can prevent this in the future even better..


the rig is not properly rigged, just a quick skin to test.. but if i have a working nif back i can fix the rigigng.

Also i tried installing blender, but if i import the nif I don't see anything in the viewport + Blender is completely weird to max users..


cheers and many thanks.

also feel free to use the raptor in your mod, just let me know if you want the textures..

here's a video preview



Edited by muppetpuppet
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The new blender have an option to look and work like maya, but niftools dont work with that version xD(a shame), now is rly weird that u cant export the file with max w/o errors, gonna grab the skeleton from the bsa file, and check it in max, so far i dont see anything wrong, also im having issues with the ck, so im still using skyedit(ck make an empty esp all the time >_<).
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