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Help With Lods not loading anymore please !


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Iam having a weird issue now ... I regenerated the lods , the landscape looks ok , but then I can't see the Objects lods , so I regenerate the objects and ... when I reload the map the landscape now is not visible but the lods are .... reversing again and I can't see the lods but I can see the landscape .. what's going on here? they did update again somehow the ck and I didn't see? Or I am making something wrong?




I just followed the normal procedure ... created the landscape lods , installed properly , created the objects lods ( altough dont look good ) but installed properly then I can have either one or the other ...



Ok here is A detailed description of the Problem and the sequence of things I did for the lods :



1 In my Issgard worldspace folder I delete all the lods form objects , trees and basic folder where the landscape btr and nif lods are stored , I deleted them all ....

2 In my Issgard worldspace folder I delete the dds textures in the object folders and in previous folder all the textures related to the lods of terrains

3 I delete the lodsetting file

4 I openoscape and regenerate all the data and extract the landscape data , generating the terrain , putting as usual all the landscape to max res , once computed I click install

5 I generate the lodsettings file setting :Issgard -32 -32 64 and ( even if in world I can see some cells are beyond the -32 border , but the oscape always generate them between -32 etc ... )

6 I load the game in CK , the landscape looks fine , apart that the objects lods are missing so I go to object World LOD window and I select objects and trees for Issgard worldspace and click generate .

7 I pick the textures generated in the Issgard object subfolder in the Source external folder and paste them into the skyrim data terrain Issgard objects folder

8 I relaunch the CK , the Landscape now is disappeared but I have all the lods for all the objects , they load in place of the Objects lods ( they are still bugged with switched textures ... )


9 Retest switching the order and keeping the objects lods done and regenerate the landscape lods , no change

10 I redo the lodsettings and the objects do disappear again but the landscape is back

11 I redo objects lods , the objects come back the landscape disappear ...

12 Loop cycle between point 9 and 11 .....




File Created after Lod Landscape creation with lodFileGenerator-v001 and or the same happens with file created by oscape ...




( Landscape works Lod objects disappear )



After Lod Creation in CK





( objects Lod works Landscape disappear )


Can someone help me point how to make them work together?





What's Wrong here?!!!

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  • 9 months later...

Prometheus, I discussed this with you a long while ago on the Bethesda Forum.


If your world isn't exactly square and in multiples of 16 (32 is better), then the Oscape .lod file will be different from the CK .lod file.


Oscape generates LOD starting from the bottom left cell. The CK generates LOD starting from the top right cell.


The numbers won't match if the worldspace is an abnormal size.


LOD File Generator can usually fix the problem (available on the Nexus). Give it a try

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