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how do people bring stuff from other games


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soooo i seen people use the whole texture sets from Tera in skyrim and lineage back in oblivion and use Kains skin from legacy of Kain to oblivion aswell (the guy did a guide on how to but the video is not to be found on youtube anymore sadly)


does anyone has any idea on how that stuff happens ?

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Presumably they go into their game files, find it, convert the formats, and change the models with an external program like 3DS Max. It's illegal unless the developers/publishers of a game specifically say that they allow their work to be modified for use in other games, however. The Witcher 2 is one of the rare games that allows such modding. Edited by Rennn
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does somebody really care about that on small pitty mods ?


i mean there is pretty mutch every charakter existed available on Gmod


did it got turned in there same way with 3 ds max ? i mean the programm is like uber old, i remember it using somewhat 2005 (wiki says its still up to date 2012)

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S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is another one where permission was given by the authors. The Tera mods are illegally ripped (stolen) content. I don't know what you said in your second comment, but, yes, people do care and the Nexus refuses to be responsible for any copyright infringements.




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