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The Art of destroying Life.


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Teenagers randomly killing the elderly? Where the hell do you live?

The real world.

Unser Taeglich Messermord

Man, 78, recounts assault by 6 youths in E. Toledo Race issue

I could add a list where people get beaten to death or into a koma in subwaystations and trains, but i more likely to add how it could be impeded Bring up a Gun


The stuff you are saying just sounds brutal...

Because it is. Real World isn't flower power and lets talk about this, its a bunch of goons which never could make a fruit basket going after your live and your property. If we haddend such draconic hard punishment for lethal self defence, i'am sure i had remove some of them from the earth insteat of just choking them untill they pass out. How else could you deal with those people? I walk around the poor areas where the minorities live and see these "kids", these 16 to 19 year old boys with mustaches spitting on the street three times a minute and doing bulls***. I look them in the eyes and i see pure predators, pure scum. And once i talked to my self defence trainer, he told me a story where he visited a lower grade school and he said the same thing. Looked them in the eyes, pure scum. Realy, when i would caught one of them stabbing and stealing i would cut his head of and place it on a spike where the scene happend or on my garden fence. So the others can see i'am serios about that. What else should we do? Jail? Therapie? Wasting Money of productive people to feed this men trash? Most of them are psychophats, genetic defected psychophats and there is no cure against such an defect.

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Ugh, what is a psychophat?


Ok, I'm being an ass. I'm pretty sure you mean psychopath. But psychosis is not a singular diagnosis. Actually, technically it's not a mental condition at all. But whatever. The point I wish to make is that those diagnosed with an antisocial disorder are rarely violent.


There is a certain irony in your post, deriding those with ASPDs all the while yourself exhibiting signs of an ASPD.


FTR I fully support SYG laws.

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There is a certain irony in your post, deriding those with ASPDs all the while yourself exhibiting signs of an ASPD.

I don't steal, i don't insult random people, i don't destroy property, i don't torture small animals or do such things.

Do you know why there where Gallow Hills and Trees infront of bigger villages and towns? Because the people which lived there showed everyone how they deal with anti social behavior.



But psychosis is not a singular diagnosis.

Read the Book ,,Political Ponerology" it explains very good how psychopaths are ticking. Its a mental disorder by birth because of genetic defect or narcist personality disorder by bad childhood. And these people aren't treatable.

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I have never killed anyone and hope that I'm never put in that position either ... but I have to agree with Aurielius and Syco21 ... there is a difference between killing someone and murdering


To kill someone is to end or terminate their life like in a war situation or in self defense ... but to murder someone is to deliberatly premeditate an act of violence against someone - it's the motivation

that lies beyond the neccessity to end or terminate their existance.


What amazes me is that people keep talking about the State terminating people's lives ... the people who voted them into power want this, it's not the State who is acting in a vaccum or

unilateraly, they have a mandate from the people in their constituancy or State or Nation to do so ... STOP blaming the State ... it's the people of the State who want this.


Virtue has nothing to do with it ... and if you want to call it "revenge" then so be it ... I'm ok with that.

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None of what you listed is related to psychopathy. At least one of the things runs contrary to psychopathy. Psychopaths tend to be very charismatic, they don't run around insulting.


Torturing small animals are the symptoms of a serial killer, not a psychopath. Psychopaths are rarely violent. In fact, you seem more prone to violence than the average psychopath.


Based on your ignorance regarding the subject of psychopathy, I'm gonna have to pass on your book suggestion.

Edited by Syco21
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Based on your ignorance regarding the subject of psychopathy, I'm gonna have to pass on your book suggestion.


So then don't bore me with your statemets how things i wrote sound like a ASPD. I don't talk about the cinematic Hannibal Lecter sterotype here. Are you an forensic psychiatrist?




STOP blaming the State ... it's the people of the State who want this.

Great, move on to the collectiv blaming. Thanks, you didn't understand anything.

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[@ moveing ... Ok then, you tell me who decides to keep that law, the Government by the barrel of the gun or the people who have the authority to change it ?


Could it be that it's you who doesn't understand the power of the vote ?

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@ moveing:


Any time I see you in this area, I see you being unnecessarily aggressive. It's just a forum, jeez. Also, I doubt the majority of the world are psychopaths, they just have a different perspective to violence.

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OK...I am not even supposed to be here right now thanks to a lovely back injury and an injection I received in it.


However I am about a half-sec away from closing this thread up. You all aren't debating (thought K-I wish your topics were a bit less...ambiguous) you are yelling at each other and trying to poke holes in each other and not a debate argument. Moveing I have warned you more than once about what you say and how you say it. You come across like 10 tons of bricks and insult folks right and left. Syco--you have been warned before about personal insults. You two- I don't care if you haven't had three strikes yet if you do not listen to my words and start behaving like the adults you are supposed to be and not catty little primary school children you will both be out of here on your collective behinds. I hope I am clear.


As for the rest of you...don't feed the trolls....Dazzerfong..you have issue, report it. What you did is flamebaiting and I won't tolerate it. This is your only warning. Now discuss this like sensible people or yet another topic goes bye-bye.

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Apologies, Lisnpuppy. I will heed to your warning.


Back to the topic, I think we need to concern the four circumstances here:


1. Killing to survive (ie. eating meat)

2. Killing as a part of a job (ie. being a soldier. No, I am not against soldiering, it's just included here for reference).

3. Killing because of self-defense.

4. Killing because you are, well, mentally unstable (that's the best way I could think of putting it, if you're offended, just give me a heads-up and I'll remove it).


First one's not really a moral dilemma (unless you're a vegetarian). It's a Darwinist world, we accept that, moving on.

Second one's more of a dilemma: it's up to one's government (if you're a soldier) to place trust on their soldiers, and the inverse.

Third one's more of a dilemma: could you have defended yourself without killing your attacker?

Fourth one's the biggest dilemma, in my opinion: is it wrong to execute a mentally-unstable person? After all, they were either born into it, or circumstances dictated their mentality.

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