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Sword Request Competition


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@tyrel in how far does it mess with knights of the nine o_O ?


btw just for political correctness... i didnt undress the b.. erm witch and set her on fire... it were the evil bandits... believe me!



basiclly if i use the blade the game crashes if i have knights of nine on no matter what load order i did work frist time both mods but as soon as i got near a wolf it atticked me once i killed it i had to do pilgems way again


Jack Sparrow

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you shouldnt have to... wolffaction is evil... only if you attack them while you wear the blade you might get infamy dunno... but since they dont attack while you wear it there shouldnt be a prob... mmh will test it...


edit: mmh dunno... i could remove the script only i guess... or you just enchant it and the script vanishes automaticly...

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How do you like this cleaver? It's more of a fantasy design. The spine is dead straight, and the cutting edge gets progressively wider as you can see in the picture. The hilt is made of bone, hence the (Badly done) colour. There is a skull carved in above the crossguard (This is optional, I'd probably look better without it.) The grip is a very dark red - almost black. The blade has no decoration just plain steel. It has no scabbard. I call it "Bone Cleaver".



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Okay, I've got another design or two. This is Null, an off-hand shortsword that pairs with my next design, Void. Or, if you like, it could also be a stand-alone longsword, if scaled up a bit. By the by, after the competition is over, would you, by chance, take requests?
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Guest KillMeTwice
Ok i have drawn anoter sword again... Im not at home right now so I cant post it before tomorrow... but I can try to explain a little what its like :) Its like a normal 2 handed wide bladed sword but the blade is completely white and the handles colours are like from an exploding star (thats why I have named it Supernova) and at the end of the handle there is a black gem. :)
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Well, the system's being a tad anal because Void is 22 kilobytes larger than the file space, even after I cropped off the tips and such. Should I post it in the image share or just not post it at all?
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