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Add Remove Mods Without Crash?


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I'm always adding mods and removing them, but many times whenever I remove one or add one the game crashes when I try and load my last save. Is there a way I can safely add and remove mods and still be able to load and play my save files? I feel like I'm stuck with whatever mods I have.
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I'm always adding mods and removing them, but many times whenever I remove one or add one the game crashes when I try and load my last save. Is there a way I can safely add and remove mods and still be able to load and play my save files? I feel like I'm stuck with whatever mods I have.


The only mods Ive ever had issues with in this regard were texture mods. Best advice I can give is to always save indoors before you remove a mod (unless the uninstall direction tell you not to) and make sure you follow uninstall direction for the mod if it has them.

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--- doing a search for this topic will reveal a multitude of entries ---


Mods change needed files. Removing mods does not replace the changed file. You need to back-up/save your data folder if you have mod conflicts and don't want to reload your game everytime you get a bad mod.


if you dont backup your data folder and you have mod conflicts or compatibility issues, you are not going to have a fun time in your game. Mod troubleshooting is painstakingly tedious at best. There is no easy fix.


1 : back up your data folder regularly ( i do it every 2 or 3 mods - I run over 165 mods right now - conflict free)

2 : know what the mod changes that you are adding and READ the user comments about it to insure it's right for you

3 : understand what the Mod requires for pre-requisites and make sure THOSE are compatible with what you already have or what your system can handle

4 : know that uninstalling a mod does not mean replacing your data files back to the pre-modded condition


I hope this shed light on mods and what some of the causes for CTD's are related too.

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