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changing ugridstoload broke the game


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Hi ive been playing the game with ugridstoload 9 and wanted to try the mod Skyrim Distant Detail suggesting it should be 5 for performance reasons so attempted the tweak guide Skyrim Enthusiast Graphics method in the Faq section at the bottom to lower it without starting a new game. i tried it lowering it back to 5 exactly as descibed (and then deleted the three lines for ugrids and cell buffers in the ini)


Now when i launch the game either thru the launcher or skse, the Skyrim logos turned pink and trying to load any save game shows one of the random images in pink then CTD, no error message. Ive tried deleting the skyrimprefs.ini and skyrim.ini but the logo still appears pink.


I first tried loading the backup of my ini's and save files but same thing. The only thing that works is starting a new game, but even with this, the Skyrim logo and random load screen images are pink. I also tried loading the old saves while paused in the new playthru but they still CTD


Does anyone know why these console commands to reset the ugridstoload completely broke the savegames? Apparantely theres another method (described in the comments) but ididnt see that before trying the one listed in the Faq

Edited by nisen
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Changing uGridstoload to a lower value on a current game will mess things up. If you have a save that you haven't lowered uGrids and then saved, it may work if you change uGrids back before loading.
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no go, same old CTD, ive also tried just changing them to


uInterior Cell Buffer=18

uExterior Cell Buffer=36


thats what the latest save should be set to, but since its default adding it isnt necessary


Im really curious since nomatter what the ini config used the game allways lauches with the pink Skyrim symbol so it isnt a corrupted save file or corrupted ini file, all i can think is its somehow corrupted the TESV.exe itself

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Im playing a new game now, nothing else can do. Its not so bad, managed to get a pretty close facegen to my previous character, and the first character was more of a test run making all the mistakes, leveling up without doing any quests, just focusing on what mods looked good, was getting kindof boring and unballanced but I still wanto know what the hell happend, and why the logo and load screens are STILL pink


should i try redownloading the TESV.exe? Is doing that as simple as removing it from the game folder and lauching Steam and checking game integrity?

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yea latest official version


but dont wanto do that without good cause, three things could happen: either it fixes the pink logo and images or has no effect, or it goes and breaks something else. Not the best odds, and i didnt even know the exe could be altered like that, if it can be, what else have the mods and previous ini tweaks changed sofar?

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Ok to simplify what im asking itd help to directly show what i did


1. first backed up the MyGames/Skyrim folder

2. lauched the game

3. opened the console and typed

setini "ugridstoload:general" 5 and enter, gave a confirmation message

saveini and enter, gave another confirmation message

refreshini and enter, gave a third confimation message

4. closed the console, and saved the game

5. exited the game

6. opened the Skyrim.ini and deleted three lines uGridsToLoad=9, uInterior Cell Buffer=50, uExterior Cell Buffer=100 and saved it

7. lauched the game thru the game launcher, got to the menu and exited (letting the game check the ini settings whatnot, This was when the pink logo first showed)

8. lauched the game with skse_launcher.exe. Noticed the pink logo again. Tried to load the last savegame. CTD


9. swapped the Skyrim folders thinking the backup Skyrim folder would be insulated from whatever screwed up

10. repeated step 7

11. launched the game with skse, pink logo still there, save games all still CTD

Edited by nisen
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