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Can i apply textures/CBBE/Clothes on my own character and not NPCs?


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So how to apply my own textures for example Fair Skin Textures on my own character?. I'm using CBBE, SG Female Textures and also i'm using Bodyslide to apply the vanilla clothes but it seems that affect Bijin somehow and causing neck seams i don't really know so what exactly should we do in Bodyslide to apply my own vanilla clothes weight and not to NPCs. Any help? I really hate to see other NPCs to have exactly what i'm choosing

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If you follow the guide you wont have problems. Also there are many mods that do this. I used about 3 of them on the old version of skyrim. Here is one for SE that I haven't used. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/3006?tab=posts


There was a mod I used that could give unique bodies by race, by character, by faction, and give random bodies and match them to the correct armor in real time. I don't recall the name though.

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