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tes.nexus.com is no more? (renamed;links bad)


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Um... someone appears to have renamed the tes.nexus.com to oblivion.nexus.com (admittedly more descriptive to those not knowing the history of things), BUT, there are now tons of links on the web that don't work anymore.


Seems like this is either a 'mistake' (i.e. - "oops"), or bad planning. I.e. shouldn't a CNAME have been added for tes to point to oblivion, otherwise links on many old sites will just stop working "no such site/name not found"...


If you want to get rid of the old name, have the tesname goto a page and tell them how to edit the address (I'm serious -- no auto forward!) and replace where it says 'tes' (keep the address the same in the addr bar, i.e. don't jump to another page with a generic message or this won't work) -- but tell them to change that 'tes' to 'oblivion' and press "ENTER" (or click the 'Go' button if that's their thing). The reason for doing this is 2 fold --

1) the manual effort will make more people give feed back to referring sites to change things.

2) typing in the new address and hitting enter will enter the new address into their "hand-typed address history". I can't say

for other browsers, but FF gives highest weight in recalling old addresses to those that the user specifically typed in (vs. say got to from some followed link -- even a bookmark!)....



Anyway, I didn't see an announcement acknowledging the fact, and I tried a manual trace from the root -- it turned up w/no IP address mapped:


> dig +trace tes.nexusmods.com


; <<>> DiG 9.7.3-P3 <<>> +trace tes.nexusmods.com

;; global options: +cmd

. 227571 IN NS f.root-servers.net.

. 227571 IN NS g.root-servers.net.

. 227571 IN NS h.root-servers.net.

. 227571 IN NS i.root-servers.net.

. 227571 IN NS j.root-servers.net.

. 227571 IN NS k.root-servers.net.

. 227571 IN NS l.root-servers.net.

. 227571 IN NS m.root-servers.net.

. 227571 IN NS a.root-servers.net.

. 227571 IN NS b.root-servers.net.

. 227571 IN NS c.root-servers.net.

. 227571 IN NS d.root-servers.net.

. 227571 IN NS e.root-servers.net.

;; Received 436 bytes from in 1 ms


com. 172800 IN NS a.gtld-servers.net.

com. 172800 IN NS b.gtld-servers.net.

com. 172800 IN NS c.gtld-servers.net.

com. 172800 IN NS d.gtld-servers.net.

com. 172800 IN NS e.gtld-servers.net.

com. 172800 IN NS f.gtld-servers.net.

com. 172800 IN NS g.gtld-servers.net.

com. 172800 IN NS h.gtld-servers.net.

com. 172800 IN NS i.gtld-servers.net.

com. 172800 IN NS j.gtld-servers.net.

com. 172800 IN NS k.gtld-servers.net.

com. 172800 IN NS l.gtld-servers.net.

com. 172800 IN NS m.gtld-servers.net.

;; Received 498 bytes from in 179 ms


nexusmods.com. 172800 IN NS ns1.nexusmods.com.

nexusmods.com. 172800 IN NS ns2.nexusmods.com.

;; Received 103 bytes from in 219 ms


nexusmods.com. 10800 IN SOA ns1.nexusmods.com. admin.krystal.co.uk. 2012012503 10800 7200 3600000 10800

;; Received 94 bytes from in 170 ms






Or is this meant to break links from most sites using the old name (can't imagine why you'd want to do that though...so I tend to think this is NOT intentional...)...

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Sites been down most of the day while they Split TESNexus into Oblivion and Morrowind.

It will help those who want a mod for one or the other. Beats loading a mod only to find it work's But not for the game you want it in. only issue I have is the forum link still tries to take you to TESNexus instead of the new pages.

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  • 2 weeks later...

PS. If you see an OB mod link starting with TesSource.com, here is how to open it:


1. Copy the numbers at the end of the TesSource URL.

2. Go to any file on Oblivion Nexus.

3. Replace the numbers at the end of your current URL with the numbers copied earlier.

4. The mod should now be visible.

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