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Want to modify the sneak damage multiplier?


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I need to know where the sneak damage multipliers are in the creation kit. i have no idea where they are located?



Ok i have a mod called The Path of Shadows and i want to increase the amount of sneak damage done by bows.

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First of all you need to decide if you want to do such things by PERKS or by general settings. If you do it by PERKS the player will be able to do that x% more damage with bows while sneaking only if he has that PERK you modified. If you want it to be general settings do like this:


1) Open CK

2) Gameplay tab (up in the CK)

3) Settings

4) Search for "fCombatSneakBowMult" and set it to the value that you prefere

5) Save the plugin

6) Enable the plugin

7) Go play and f*** the bitches!

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I thank you kind sir and a kudos has been sent to you. Time to kick some arse and take some names.


Appreciated :) While you are at it, what'd ya say of losing 4 minutes to check my mod page and see the video of the pre-alpha? :) It would be a pleasure for me! The links can be found in my signature! Look for "GOTHIC, Valley of Mines - The Colony" link and watch the video in the first page! Thank you in advance!

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