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Potential followers starting fights


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I have a totally self-inflicted problem that I would like help with. I have been rather obsessively collecting and making merged groups of follower mods to the point that most of the usual gathering places (Inns, etc.) are quite crowded with potential followers. Mostly this is fine, but every so often when I enter one of these gathering places a fight breaks out. The catalyst seems to normally be the presence of a priest, who is suddenly attacked by one of these potential followers (usually a mage) and then the rest join in. The temple of Mara in Riften, for example, has been turned into a no go conflict zone.

I have been through a lot of these merged mods with SSEEdit and changed anyone who was “very aggressive” to simply “aggressive.” This seemed to work for a while, but when I tried to enter the Temple of Mara this morning a fight started and poor Maramal ended up cowering in a corner full of ice spikes. I could use SSEEdit to delete the characters who I think are the main offenders, but I’d like to see if anyone here is familiar with the problem and has a less radical solution.
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use TCAI and TAI the moment you go into a no-conflict zone. it'll shut off their behaviors in its entirety. The other way is simply to disable all followers and using the help to find their base id, making a copy and placing them right up next to you when you wish to recruit them, rather than having them camping inside a packed inn/pub. The former is if you're lazy, the latter is what I do (it's more lore friendly too, when instead of always meeting someone at a pub, why not in a dungeon, *boom* follower "found" there).

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