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I never actually checked the fps count. But right now, with everything on ultra it runs pretty well. There are portions of the city where the fps drops ( i think you can notice it in the video) but that's because there is no optimization done for now. I will do the optimization at the end of the project so...it should be fine in the end.Or atleast ,way better than now.


I'm working on a fairly large build too, so I'm wondering what you mean by "optimization"? Is this something done in the Creation Kit? Do you mind giving a rough idea of how you do that? My guess is that you're turning modded/DIY buildings into precombines.

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I never actually checked the fps count. But right now, with everything on ultra it runs pretty well. There are portions of the city where the fps drops ( i think you can notice it in the video) but that's because there is no optimization done for now. I will do the optimization at the end of the project so...it should be fine in the end.Or atleast ,way better than now.


I'm working on a fairly large build too, so I'm wondering what you mean by "optimization"? Is this something done in the Creation Kit? Do you mind giving a rough idea of how you do that? My guess is that you're turning modded/DIY buildings into precombines.



By optimization i generally mean deleting stuff that are not needed and creating static collections. Like , if i have a huge wall made out of 10 normal brick walls , i will make a static collection out of them. By doing this, the texture and model will be loaded only once instead of being loaded 10 times. This saves up a lot of processing power thus, making the fps grow.


You should read this if you haven't already: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/5522717-fallout-4-optimization-and-performance-systems-explained/

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I never actually checked the fps count. But right now, with everything on ultra it runs pretty well. There are portions of the city where the fps drops ( i think you can notice it in the video) but that's because there is no optimization done for now. I will do the optimization at the end of the project so...it should be fine in the end.Or atleast ,way better than now.


I'm working on a fairly large build too, so I'm wondering what you mean by "optimization"? Is this something done in the Creation Kit? Do you mind giving a rough idea of how you do that? My guess is that you're turning modded/DIY buildings into precombines.



By optimization i generally mean deleting stuff that are not needed and creating static collections. Like , if i have a huge wall made out of 10 normal brick walls , i will make a static collection out of them. By doing this, the texture and model will be loaded only once instead of being loaded 10 times. This saves up a lot of processing power thus, making the fps grow.


You should read this if you haven't already: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/5522717-fallout-4-optimization-and-performance-systems-explained/



Thanks for sharing. I'll check it out. That should help a lot.

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After reading/viewing much of this material I think I know the answer to this already, but wanted to confirm with you guys. It sounds like if I build a huge settlement through normal gameplay (even if I don't break any precombines), there's no way to optimize it. The only way to create an optimized settlement would be through the CK. Does that ring true for you?

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After reading/viewing much of this material I think I know the answer to this already, but wanted to confirm with you guys. It sounds like if I build a huge settlement through normal gameplay (even if I don't break any precombines), there's no way to optimize it. The only way to create an optimized settlement would be through the CK. Does that ring true for you?

by default the basic game never break a precombined, beth made it so that you only can build xx stuff and xx large, its the reason any unmodded game don't need any optimizing


as for your question, yes you can only optimize any settlement or anything you make/build in the ck, although it all depends on how big you make anything and or how much stuff you place, 1-4-6 empty cells don't need any optimizing, but any player that use xxxx build mods will run into some fps loss in the end

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After reading/viewing much of this material I think I know the answer to this already, but wanted to confirm with you guys. It sounds like if I build a huge settlement through normal gameplay (even if I don't break any precombines), there's no way to optimize it. The only way to create an optimized settlement would be through the CK. Does that ring true for you?

by default the basic game never break a precombined, beth made it so that you only can build xx stuff and xx large, its the reason any unmodded game don't need any optimizing


as for your question, yes you can only optimize any settlement or anything you make/build in the ck, although it all depends on how big you make anything and or how much stuff you place, 1-4-6 empty cells don't need any optimizing, but any player that use xxxx build mods will run into some fps loss in the end



Thanks, I appreciate the info.

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