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Reading data from inside forms?


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My current issue is that I need a way in Papyrus to tell apart concentration spells from other spells.


The common sense solution is a form list containing all the concentration spells. This works fine, but I want a script-based solution instead so when the player installs a mod that adds new spells it accomodates those spells as well.


Therefore: is there a way to read form data?

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I don't think there is a way to do this dynamically for a few reasons:

  • There does not appear to be script methods to return the casting type of a Spell / MagicEffect.
  • Your mod only knows about itself and its parent master(s). It doesn't know anything about other loaded mods so how would your script get a reference to those spells? There is Actor.OnSpell but waiting for a spell to already be cast doesn't sound like what you want, even if you could determine its casting type.

Perhaps there is a way to do this with ScriptDragon or SKSE...


You can still do it but you'll need to make an additional plugin for each 3rd-party mod you will support. Add the 3rd-party mod's concentration spells to your FormList via an init script quest.

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