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Unvoiced actors, text just flies by...


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I'm sure I can't be the only one who has encountered this.


Whenever I find an actor that has no voice package, the subtitles for his dialogue just fly by and I don't nearly have time to read it.


I just tried the Fus Roh Doh mod which from what I can read proposes to fix this, but it hasn't made a difference. Would love a fix if anyone has one? It's driving me nuts with several mods I have installed ;)



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Going to bump this, am getting the same issue with the Wizards of Winterhold mod, and the Moonpath to Elswyr. One loaded from Steam Workshop, the other from nexus. Neither have voices.


Although I have the Interesting NPC's Mod installed and those voices work fine.


Any help appreciated.

Edited by thefinn
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As said by Albert, that's not a bug at all.


The time the subtitles stay displayed depends on the leght of the WAV or XWM file associated with that subtitles.


If there's no audio, the subtitles will just flash. You can ask the mods authors to record 3 seconds of silence for each dialogue line, or just do it on your own.

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