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Working metro mod gone?


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Exactly. There's this attitude, lately, that's been popping up online. People are thinking that if it's on the internet, you can do as you like with it. Just because people don't get caught and sued doesn't mean it still isn't illegal and wrong (if only a little.) They just don't go after people selling their stuff because the jerks selling it aren't making much money and because it wouldn't be worth the money to go after them. The Nexus still abides by authors' rights and conditions. Unless otherwise stated, content is the property of the owner, whom has the right to decided where and how their content is used.


In my next mod, I could include that my content can only be uploaded elsewhere, only after the uploader posts a YouTube video of themselves reenacting scenes from Stunt Dawgs.

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This saddens me greatly. REZ01 was a very talented modder and his contributions tot he community were spectacular. I ony wish I knew why he left and how to contact him.
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@Jaege: Absolutely wrong! That is one of the lies that the pirates try to propagate. Anything you publish is covered by copyright. Including that post you made. So any mod that is upload is actually covered by copyright. Some sites (Not Nexus) DO lay claim to any mods uploaded. Here we respect our modders and their rights under copyright to do what they wish with their own work.


Many remove their mods because of excessive demands by players wanting more and more when they are tired of supporting it. Others because they are leaving the modding of that game and don't want to be bothered with demands that they fix still another bug in a mod they are no longer interested in supporting. Still others because of trolls who don't even use their mod, and for some reason think no one else should be allowed to either. Others because they realize that they have included things that are not allowed by Nexus and pull the mod voluntarily to keep from being banned. And the reason I personally removed one (Dual Oblivion) - there was a much better mod that did the exact same thing in a far better way. (mTES4manager)


I also give my work to the community and do not put any conditions on what is done with it.

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well done bben. I just finished reading your rant on Piracy actually and it was spectacular. I'd rant about it myself but I odn't think this is the place.
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@Jaege: Absolutely wrong! That is one of the lies that the pirates try to propagate. Anything you publish is covered by copyright. Including that post you made. So any mod that is upload is actually covered by copyright. Some sites (Not Nexus) DO lay claim to any mods uploaded. Here we respect our modders and their rights under copyright to do what they wish with their own work.


Many remove their mods because of excessive demands by players wanting more and more when they are tired of supporting it. Others because they are leaving the modding of that game and don't want to be bothered with demands that they fix still another bug in a mod they are no longer interested in supporting. Still others because of trolls who don't even use their mod, and for some reason think no one else should be allowed to either. Others because they realize that they have included things that are not allowed by Nexus and pull the mod voluntarily to keep from being banned. And the reason I personally removed one (Dual Oblivion) - there was a much better mod that did the exact same thing in a far better way. (mTES4manager)


I also give my work to the community and do not put any conditions on what is done with it.


Personally, I don't care if any of my mods are used as a resource, but that being said - I can see someone just not wanting to mess with the mod anymore too.


I dunno about Bethesda, but I know with Electronic Arts, if you mod the Sims for instance. EA retains pretty much all rights, although the creator can copyright that 'derivative' work. But part of the TOS with EA is that no modifications to their game may be sold, only freely given to the community. Some sites did charge for their 'custom content' but EA didn't care if people re-posted it on the exchange for free, since that was EA's TOS.


So even if someone re-posted mods and tried to charge for them, chances are they'd be wasting their time.


Legalities aside, people may spend a lot of time developing their mods. Just the learning curve of the GECK can take many, many hours. So if they want to pull their content, that's up to them. Can't really so much complain, the tools to make our own mods are 100% available to all of us as well. So really, that's the least they can expect - the nexus to back them up - if they decide to pull out, after all, they aren't getting a dime for their work.


I'm not even 20% done with my attempt at a mod, but I have put many hours into it already. I do worry about 'running out of steam' at some point, but then I'm not one to put out a ton of quirky mods and try to support them. I've restarted mods a ton of times - just to implement a 'better practice' - in terms of stability and longevity on any mod I do put out there to attempt to head that off. For instance: a vanilla FO3 install, unique naming, avoiding any changes to the assets base references, etc.


Of course, major Kudos to those to do leave mods out there, even if they can't support them anymore. I know if I do post some, and I can't find time to support them, I'll just update the description to 'no longer supported' on the mod.


I kind of ignore legalities in these cases, but only because ethically I wouldn't go there anyway. If a person posts their own stuff, then they retain the rights to change or remove it, just as much as I think that should be given to anyone here that posts a mod. The Nexus, likewise, is only doing what's right in that respect. They wouldn't be terribly popular if they just 'took over' the mod and did what they want with it - I might not post my mod here, as I would have no idea what might be done to it, with my name attached.


But on the same note - if you post a mod, it's courteous to the community to just let them have it, unless you have a real pressing reason to pull it. Who knows - maybe he/she seem an interest in it and wants to re-do the whole thing... never know, huh?


I don't know, no inside information - but if I had a mod here that was dormant for a long time and I decided to finish it up - I might well pull the original, but then I'd post a comment too.

Edited by Overcast73
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Do not get me wrong, I am not condoning piracy. I consider it wrong to alter or use someones hard work in a way that they do not want it to be used. I appreciate all the effort that went into creating these or any other mods, for any game. That being said, I just do not think there is a legal recourse for a modder if someone were to use his ideas in a way that he did not condone.


Myself, I have posted ideas and mods for other games and things on other sites, and I really do not care how they are used. I post them for my own pleasure and the thrill of knowing that my work is being enjoyed by others. Besides, I have accepted that there really isn't anything I can do about it, so why get my panties in a bunch over it. I can either choose not to create and post or to not take it all so seriously. That's just me


As to other's work, I will always respect their wishes regarding that work, since I would like them to make more. And it is their work, and I respect the effort that went into it.

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Technically, anything posted to a public forum, like this one, becomes "freeware" and has no legal protection whatsoever. Someone could swoop in grab up all the mods on Nexus and try to sell them as thier own while the actual creators would have no legal recourse. I have seen it happen on another forum I am associated to. Myself, I try to respect the modders desires as far as his/her mod goes, since I appreciate the efforts that they went through to deliver us the mods.


Oh now that can be quite a dickish thing to do unless they actually offered something worth paying for. Like optimising all the mods to work together better. Removing conflicts and bugs.

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