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Christian Mod (common dont hate me)


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Thank you all for your input even the Atheists, personally i have nothing wrong with atheists most that i have met are really nice people. When I get down to it being a christian means being nice and considerate to others and watching out for my own demons, well that and my end-game plan. As far as the mod to change the names for the Mara alters and statues... that would be nice but i wouldn't want you to go completely out of your way to do it, really its my problem not yours. To anyone that did that for me i would be exceptionally grateful. About the armor i know its metaphorical, it was just a suggestion. Personally I am not catholic and never will be.


Thank you all for your replies,



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I had a think about this, and if I'm right I'm definitely going to make this: it MIGHT even be just as easy to make the blessing be given by reading a book. That would be quite elegant as a solution with absolutely minimal impact on the vanilla game. If it works I'll do a book each for some of the world's big hitting religions/philosophies each conferring a different bonus (where possible with actual appropriate text) and put them on a bookshelf in the Temple of the Divines in Solitude.


There will be a representative there for we rationalists too.


How much they are a cheat item is then up to the player, leave it on a bookshelf at home or effectively portable shrine.


I assume a Bible that gave a blessing would resolve your problem?


Again, though, IF it's as easy I think it should be....


Many Gods, One Love ;)

Edited by tetradite
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Monotheistic religions can be sort of annoying because they assert that all the others are wrong. So the people of Skyrim would probably not have much of a problem if the Judeo-Christian god were worshiped there, because people are worshiping Shor and Azura and Mistara, and Vivec and all sorts of deities. The more the merrier. But I bet the Christians of Skyrim would have serious problems with all those idolaters worshipping false gods and demons. If the Christians of Skyrim ever seized a bit of power they would persecute the people of other faiths and make what the Thalmor are doing to the Talos worshipers look like a picnic.
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Actually a mod like this wouldn't be that hard to do... Just have the Akatosh shrines renamed to "The Lord" or whatever and have the other 8 shrines renamed to those of the saints or other important christian figures. Then have the Daedric princes renamed to those of demons or something

That's exactly what the romans did in real life. emperor constantine renamed converted a lot of the pagan rituals such as the he Lupercalia and the feast of purification of Isis that became the Feast of the Nativity. An ancient festival of the dead was replaced by All Souls Day, rededicated to Christian heroes (now Halloween), the Saturnalia is what today we know as Christmas. pagan deities were renamed replaced by christian saints. moreover the figure of Virgin Mary was originally the pagan mother godess Ishtar. and not only in ancient times, Pope Pius XII officially designated Mary the "Queen of Heaven" and "Queen of the World."... just like Ishtar.. the figure of Jesus is no other than Mithra or Helios (the Sun God) believed to be "a Mediator between God and man, between the Sky and the Earth". It is said that Mithra (or the Sun) took birth on December 25th ... how apropriate.. and the list goes on and on.


what happened with all that is that instead of being persecuted for failure to worship pagan deities, Christians who did not agree with the particular orthodoxy backed by the Emperor were now persecuted in the name of Christ... but that's a totally different topic :)



just wanted to share a little background on all this, but got carried away :P


so on topic, i hope someone does this mod. i have room for another statue in the praying room of my house! :D

Edited by VileTouch
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So far, no problems. :thumbsup: However, Nexus has a hard rule about discussing religion in the forums because of the flaming, trolling and general bad behavior of normally mild mannered people when religion is brought up.


Please keep the discussion on the mod and keep theology out of it. At the FIRST post where some one starts proselytizing, or bashing someone for their belief (or lack thereof) - the hammer swings, and the topic will be closed.

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I have a working Bible made and tested now - it is carryable/addable to a bookshelf like any normal book, and can be read like a normal book when it's in your inventory. When you put it down and read it (i.e when it isn't in your inventory) it acts exactly like one of the existing shrines/altars including the swooshy animation thing/removal of disease etc.


I have named the blessing "Blessing of The Lord" and made it's effect to increase stamina regeneration by 10%.


I've used that passage from Ephesians for the book's text, seemed quite fitting for Skyrim actually.


I've got to go do some other stuff now, but will do a quick texture for it and stick it into the Skyrim world somewhere later and upload it to Nexus. I might do an actual shrine (as a cross) if you care enough too, but personally I think the book is the best solution for the most number of characters and players - it'll be easily moveable to whatever player home you could end up using (just drop it on a table and you've got your "shrine" set up), or you can just carry it round, drop, activate and pick up whenever you need.


The fact that you can't get the blessing while it's in your inventory is not intentional by me, technically it's a bug I guess but I'm leaving it in as it means you'd have a hard time doing it in the middle of battle, having a portable shrine is enough of a 'cheat' ;)

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