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Strange issue regarding FO3 end/Broken Steel start


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I've tried to look around for a solution for a bit, but i only found similar problems, my one seems to be a little more complex. Cutting to the chase: i got the GOTY edition, everything is perfectly installed and all the other DLCs went smoothly; went to do the final quest to activate BS, got Sarah Lyons telling me to activate the purifier. I tried every way, sacrificing myself, her, fawkes or just making it blow up; in ani case, it rolls to the ending cutscene, then it would just return to the game without showing any credits, or "two weeks after" stuff. For example, if i went into the purifier and activated it, after the final movie it would return back to the game, with my character dropped (almost) dead on the ground, hardly breathing and coughing whenever i pressed the "E" key; it just stays there, with fawkes occasionally saying his common phrases and nothing happening. The same if sarah went inside instead, with my character immobilized in front of the door switch and her corpse inside the purifier, and pretty much the same if i choose the fawkes ending. After a bit, if i had chosen to activate the purifier (no matter who activated it), the time would run out, showing the purifier's explosion event too, but without starting any additional final movie. I hope i made myself clear...

Now, i wouldn't say my game is heavily modded, but i added a good number of items and character-related stuff, and some misc... I get some little bug from time to time, but this is the first time i see an in-game event corrupted this way...

If it is necessary, i can post a full list of my current load order.

Thanks in advance to anyone willing to help, you're saving my BS game. :D

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i'm playing BS right now. Thank you so much... :)


edit: no, i've actually been too hasty.... The game ends and BS starts, but the quest "take it back" is not marked as completed and it will just tell me to activate the purifier, no matter who had previously activated it at the end of the game... So basically the world is that of BS but the new quests do not start. Am i doing something wrong?

Edited by Kriegwaffe
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