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Settlement Construction: Zoom Out for Large Constructions?


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I got to Starlight drive In.

Cleaned it through ScrapAll (note: I run multiple Scrapping tools simultaneously, even that water pit was scrapped, the field is EMPTY).


Now, first things first: foundations.

I have a few settlement Construction Mods, that offer me just that: FOUNDATIONS.

Huge blocks that i can use for... well, foundations eh.


Now, my issue: These blocks sadly are NOT Snappable (Hmmm... maybe a snapping tool or five might help me... if I only could install them... i am at the end of adding mods) which leaves me to do this visually.

But there I run a snag.... I cannot zoom them out to lay them right!

Is there a cheat to do this, or another type of work-around, so I can zoom them much further out so I can actually create a nice, huge flat bed for my houses to be build on?

Or is there some mod out there that might pull this of?


Blast, means i need to drop a mod... but yeah.


Thank you.


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Are you using Place Everywhere? That allows for more precise movement, you can place things where they normally can't be, like far into the ground, and it SEEMS to let you grab and move things from a little further away. I've used it in combination with the 'tcl' console command to place rock cliffs and such that are big enough to fill some entire settlement areas. You may even find that those pieces will actually snap once they are allowed to clip into more stuff. I also think it works without an .esp (which means you shouldn't need to remove a mod), being mostly new keybinding commands, but I could be mistaken. It does need F4SE. Hell, with it's more precise movement/placement tools you may not need to zoom out as much.


Of course, if you ARE using that, then you already know everything I said and I don't really have much else to suggest.

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I feel like if it were possible, it would have been made into a mod already, I could definitely be wrong though. I havebt tried it much, but for what youre looking to do, you could just toggle collision with TCL and build that way?


I would also like to be able to zoom out while building.ill mess with the tcl command later and let you know how it goes.

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