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have any mods can make fallout 4 looks perfect and amazing ?


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Check through the Models & Textures category and the Visuals and Graphics categories. You'll find some pretty great stuff.


It is hard to recommend specific ones because a lot of them come down to your individual taste and preference. NMCs road textures are great, FlaconOil has a terrific texture pack, dDefinder1 for blood textures, Vivid Fallout from Hein84 in various flavours, the High Resolution Texture Pack by valius, power armour textures by Gorgulla, Wasteland Water Revival by Feyawen, Dynavision by Gopher, ENB with all kinds of ENB presets. I have left so many out that it is mind-boggling.


For AI: Pack Attack by Greslin; Better Settlers by Thom293; Better Companions by techprince. You can consider Orphans of the Commonwealth by gift2 for more children presence.


There are an astounding number of faction improvements for Super Mutants, Gunners, Minutemen, Raiders, Institute, BOS.


For settlements you could consider Sim Settlements by kinggath, to make them more autonomous


For a complete overhaul it is impossible to go past Horizon by zawinul.


Hopefully these are good starting points for you.

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I can't add much to what Evilicious said. For vegetation, I really like Regrowth Overhaul, but it takes a big bite out of your FPS. My second favorite, which I use, is the Seasons mod. It doesn't seem to affect FPS much, if it all.

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I disagree. The best Fallout 4 will ever look is inside the Vanilla assets. The HD DLC & what was mentioned already, that whole mindset is only applicable to expensive IPS-P displays in 4k. Standard gaming 1080p while being a 7 year old benchmark now to maintain high framerates & thus taking advantage of FO4's ability to run much higher amounts of chaotic battle & complex scenes. The vanilla assets are oversized 4 times larger than the last generation standard. To accomplish this Fallout4.exe includes a framerate controller which is combined with a advanced texture streamer which both are set to take advantage of a more advanced .BA2 archive where the render engine can grab only a mipmap size of a texture instead of before where the whole texture had to go into loading/unloading and thus i/o lag, stutter, and low framerates.

By default this is set to XBO/PS4 standards which the standard 1080p PC gaming benchmark for Skyrim/Battlefield at the time on PC was basically a 4 core CPU & 4Gb of video card ram. Which means FO4 can be run on a computer built out of spare parts or free parts that were salvage/scrap. Heck when the game launched many built computers for $300 to specifically run FO4, and a standard PC gaming rig of the 7th year benchmark of standard power is many times faster than that. The trick with that is to exploit that we have the ability to double the distance at which textures upgrade/degrade to different sized mipmaps, and in that one can reduce all textures that are beyond the immediate area of the player while increasing the size of the textures drastically in the immediate area of the player. Though the actual render of FO4 is incorrect.

To correct the render one must use a ENB & either Vogue ENB or Subtle ENB to now render the game as advertised instead of washed out white on everything, incorrect color, and many other problems. Clarity in the scene whatever it might be at the time is only ever achieved by setting configs to the actual specifications of a gaming PC & then relying on the two ENBs presets that were made to correct the obvious issues in difference between what was advertised, and what we got. The most popular ENB presets were the ones that tackled correcting this issue. We've since moved on into exploring various other renders of the game, but it was essential at first to display the game as it was displayed in advertisements & the hype train.

Even on super fast SATA III SSD the application will suffer i/o lag & there's ways to fix that, meaning that in many cases the End User can set all the settings to the lowest & still stutter from I/O depends on how good the system moves large chunks of data around, and more importantly it depends on how well the assets are optimized, which the best would be the mods that do that to the vanilla assets or using the vanilla assets itself, because the mod authors don't typically carry a standard gaming PC, they usually have expensive computers, making this worse are the significantly high performance requirements for running the base vanilla game in & out of the downtown area or other areas which have a high performance requirement & the fact that we move in these areas quite rapidly at times. Let's just forget the battle of 100 actors there for the time being.


The best clarity since launch has been the renders near the launch date using ENB & increased streaming with FXAA dumped on top of it, a ENB trick to just dump FXAA on top of stuff. Here it's like the game's TAA + ENB AA +FXAA so you can see how many come to think of it as superfluous. The increased vanilla texture streaming distance allows us to use a lower AF setting & some other settings that are lower or even turned off, because at some point performance becomes more important than anything else when attempting to run a clarity based render. These vanilla assets are good, but some of them need to be replaced with a mod which increases the detail in that one specific item & one would have to find that. As seen here is lighting adjustment which is paired with the ENB preset (though not as apparent in the image) it's still using the removal of fake lighting & custom lights to produce the clarity which has almost nothing to do with the image render in comparison. Mostly here it's the removal of dirt/filth decals + the lighting + the video card settings for quality + the ENB + the increased texture streaming distance on the vanilla composite textures + a mod to place chains on the PA hoist. Mostly the content added is placing a notable amount of production value in most of the scenes, but not every scene cause it would kill the framerate.


Oldrim (Original Skyrim) Without the HD DLC, but using Negative LOD bias instead to grab larger texture sizes than a 360/PS3 & without a ENB to essentially do the same thing, for comparison reasons. Also worth noting the best part of this image is that it's not using texture & model mods or tweeks to get the game to look good, it's that this crazy tribal lady is about to run into that city behind her as the warning bells ring & the whole city wants to kill her because the mods we use set the player to be in a enemy faction of mostly everyone. It's got nothing to do with how it looks if it's incredibly fun. Then we already know that photo-realistic clarity isn't fun to play, games need to be a little bit blurry or in a grey area between surreal & real look or the players (that's you too) will refuse to play the game because that type of clarity ruins the game & we prefer to play something else instead, which is probably where introducing a bit of positive LOD bias into a Negative LOD bias to balance that out into a more detailed PC game, but not so detailed as we refuse to play it because it's not enjoyable to play.


Same as the first FO4 pic, but much later after the Nukaworld update, many things changed. Thus the move from Vogue ENB to Subtle ENB to focus on only providing the hype train version of clarity & to get there meant burning up the 3 year old 4 generation old video cards attempting to run a max render of FO4 because parts tended to overheat when error & glitching occurred. Better cooling & a 25% increase in speed with a new ENB trying to do the same thing using pretty much vanilla assets & the tweeks & settings for the game to render quality with a lighting weather climate mod matched in a set of mods which can effect one or the other between different mods, so the balance of having a set for this type of thing. Designed to be used together. Yet declining the HD DLC & using only vanilla assets or the optimized version of those.


Vanilla, same as the one above.


Green House Mod, Scrap Everything Mod, and the rest is vanilla besides the other stuff I mentioned before. Though not detail based, production value based, a house unfinished because that would happen, tired of building this stupid house, walk by it or get drunk there at night. But it's not detail or clarity related at all.


Mostly vanilla actually. Blue gauges, glass effect, opaque PA HUD.


Vanilla with a Bodyslide outfit?


Vanilla Piper + eyes + teeth & texture streaming beyond the fence gate inside probably. Reminds me of the hypothesis that only a few specific enhancing mods are required to increase clarity and/or production value in the scene. It could be possible, but would be something that would have to be found & tested which would take extra time beyond just setting up a basic high detailed chaos build. Most of that is pixels per inch anyway, you know has little to nothing to do with the assets or render, the display being used is it true color, is it a IPS panel, is it 1080p or 4k, what is the pixel pitch (pixel per inch) that would be way more important than almost anything else.


Vanilla mostly. That might be the answer. Take note of what could be improved using the clarity rendering & then go get that reskin for it. You know, or fix the clipping on the leg for this no bra strap feather dress CBBE & Josie body.


Whole picture is vanilla cept for the super cereal Buff Out chem IMOD effect, which reminds me. "MUST HAVE MOOOR BUFFOUT, RAHHHHRRR!" Even the minigun is vanilla & using damage buff perks/chems & tactics against early Super Mutant Overhaul level difficulty in tankyness, & with busted weapon no less, though there's a bunch of vanilla buffs for that & tactics, I believe the PA is using Damage Threshold like FNV & bunches of Legendary mods, which just barely made the player survivable against increased spawns & super mutant overhaul pretty much all attempting to go 1:1 ratio though 1 vs 3-12 or so. We use the same set up now just different, there's endless warfare used to toggle an additional amount, standardized weapon damage, and a overhaul for each faction. Pretty much. Though with a importance placed on mods that provide fun & the Merge Plugins process to use 600 mods or more to accomplish that, not much of that is reskins for 1080p. Though now that you mention it I will pay attention to which small parts I can replace with reskins which can provide a small amount of increased clarity.

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