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A problem occurred durning install: NMM Fallout 4


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Hey all!,

I just decided to start playing Fallout 4 again and i'm having an issue with Nexus Mod Manager. So I downloaded NMM again and I edited the necessary files. Anyways when i download them on NMM only 3 of them have installed. ex cheat terminal, realistic roads and carbon fiber Pitboy and they work fine, but any other ones i download (ex Darker Nights) and try to install wont install it comes up with an error that says " A problem occurred durning install:"

Any help would greatly appreciated.


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I'm having the same problem, also my NMM freezes after launching the game and it doesn't unfreeze when the game closes. Currently I can't install Darker Nights (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/191). I've reinstalled NMM more than once and have tried running NMM as an administrator.


I've never had this problem before. If you figure anything out please let me know as this is becoming very frustrating.


Thank you!

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I'm having the same problem, also my NMM freezes after launching the game and it doesn't unfreeze when the game closes. Currently I can't install Darker Nights (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/191). I've reinstalled NMM more than once and have tried running NMM as an administrator.


I've never had this problem before. If you figure anything out please let me know as this is becoming very frustrating.


Thank you!


I haven't had NMM freeze on me yet maybe see if you need an update, my FO4 was crashing (CTD) yesterday so i did a clean install of Fo4 and NMM and it fixed that but no mods will install other than the 3 I have. I hope im able to get it fixed soon!

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Please forgive me but have any of you checked the post https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/4962165-nmm-a-problem-occurred-during-install/ to find your issue there?



The Rabbit


Yes I have the disabled my anti that does nothing, and on that post they talk about some "info.xml" file and honestly i have no clue what they are talking about.

Edited by gullage
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Do you have the latest NMM version? If not, download it from Nexus and install it over your existing NMM installation. I had to do it this way as the built-in NMM updater did not work when there was obviously a new version.


The changelog for the latest version includes a fix for xml installer files not working. This might help with the "a problem occurred" issue.

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So i would check for updates on NMM and it would say its up to date, anyways i downgraded to the very first NMM that had Fallout 4 support and I installed a bunch of mods fine, then clicked the little button too update to the most current build and now everything works fine! but thanks for the help!




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