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Managing Skyrim SE and Skyrim VR -misleading header


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So I have installed Vortex 0.14.0. It updated itself. Fine.


I managed Skyrim SE. Fixed the paths. Then managed Skyrim VR. Fixed the paths for that too.




When I go to games i can see my two managed games. I then clicked on list view and there's an active tick on the game I am currently managing. In this case it is Skyrim VR as that was the last of the two I sorted.


If i click on the tick - it switches to the other game to manage.


So, currently on Skyrim VR with the tick. If I click on the tick it says:


"switched game mode: Skyrim VR"


Top left of the UI there's a picture of Skyrim VR as well as the message "switched game mode: Skyrim VR" on the right.


But Skyrim SE has the tick on it.


I am confused. Am I managing what it says and using the image at the top left as a reminder that I am managing Skyrim VR as it said?

Trouble is - the tick is on Skyrim SE which means active.


I don't know which game I am managing.




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I have just done a quick test. I dropped a mod into the active game. Closed my eyes and released the mouse button before opening them again.


Check the install and sure enough there was the mod.


Forgetting the tick - (or rather ignoring it) it seems that you go by the image at the top left. So if it shows Skyrim SE (SSE) THATS the one you go by.


Just feels odd to have the active tick on a game you aren't actually managing.

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