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[LE] "Throw and return to player - weapon" (GoW4 Axe, Thor's Hammer etc...)


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I quit modding several years ago, just in for a short visit ... whatever, i created the Leviathan Axe from God of War 4.

The game mechanic I'd like to go with it is to throw the weapon and after impact it returns to the player.


Is there a FAST and EASY way to manage that? I even had to watch my own modding tutorials i made 4 or 5 years ago so my memory is not the best :D

And i don't want to waste days or weeks working on that mod since it's just for fun, got plenty to do in RL.


I'm aware of some mods (Throwing Weapon Mod, Captain America Shield, afaik there is even a working version of Thor's Hammer) - I'll check them out this weekend, maybe have a look on 'em in CK if i get 'em running (CK stops working all the time when i load mods despite i made all common modifications to the .ini file with multiple loads, added ressources, DLC and so on).


Whatever, my first thought was to use a scroll or spell...replace the casting spell hand effect with the axe and the projectile with a rotating axe...once it's fired, scaling the axe in your hand from 0 to 1 or fade it in - this would be without the axe returning, but the first dirty workaround that came into my mind. Though, I'm sure there is a better way but i really don't remember all that CK stuff.


Maybe i find a way reverse engineering existing mods, maybe someone got an idea...maybe i just skip this feature to save time :D


And here comes another one: What's the newest NifSkope version, that is compatible with vanilla Skyrim? Still using good old 1.1.0. rc4, maybe there is a working version with new features?


Thanks & greetings,




Edited by ghosu
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I think the method you've described is probably the easiest to do. Put an OnEquipped script so that it equips the axe "spell" to the offhand, so that you can hit things with the right or throw with the left. Then you setup the magic effect as a simple destruction spell replacing the casting art, projectile, and probably the sound, plus any other magical effects you want.


Getting it to return would be a little tougher. My first thought is maybe add a script to the magic effect to perform the spell in reverse after a second or two, sending it back to the player (obviously mitigating the damage). You might need to place an xMarker or static model of the axe at the firing spot to cast the spell if it doesn't hit anything or if the enemy dies or something. If you wanted to be clever, maybe put it on a second "recall" spell, that the player can trigger if that's a thing. I don't have a PS4, so I'm unfamiliar with the original mechanic.


Cool axe, by the way.

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Hi! I'm the guy who asked about the axe in the request section and I just had an idea.. Idk the limitation of skyrim but I figured out something about how to make the hammer return that maybe you figured it out or not:


Make it so it spawns back in the player's hand but if is possible get the distance from the player and weapon, and make the weapon come float back to the player, but add speed and rotation (if it's possible in Skyrim), and when the axe is close to the player destroy it, and create another weapon on the player's hand with a nice effect :smile:


Optional: When the weapon is moving to you make the player play a spell cast animation without any fx so it gives that nice waiting for the axe to come animation. :smile: - This is just if you want to give it more style.


And, I think is possible with scripting to make a trowing/calling shout with no cooldown and then make the player equip and with a variable to change the shout to change if the weapon was trowed/called back. It will make the player be able to punch while the weapon is away (This could be made even using a custom key, I don't really know. [The custom key will be able for someone to make a spartan rage shout if someone will be interested in making this)




I hope you get what I'm saying :smile:




P.S: Sorry for saying this now, sometimes I wish my brain think faster :))

Edited by nitanmarcel
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