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Soul mates.


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Its a funny thing when your in the army. People get married young because they fear that they will die alone on the battlefield. I cant say anything here because I am still searching for my one and only. Its actually kinda depressing seeing everyone getting married around you and wondering when will I find true happiness?

It will happen when and if its meant to be!

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Its a funny thing when your in the army. People get married young because they fear that they will die alone on the battlefield. I cant say anything here because I am still searching for my one and only. Its actually kinda depressing seeing everyone getting married around you and wondering when will I find true happiness?

It will happen when and if its meant to be!


And sometimes it takes nine looong years to happen.

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Its a funny thing when your in the army. People get married young because they fear that they will die alone on the battlefield. I cant say anything here because I am still searching for my one and only. Its actually kinda depressing seeing everyone getting married around you and wondering when will I find true happiness?

It will happen when and if its meant to be!


And sometimes it takes nine looong years to happen.

then it was meant to be, fools rush in, where wisemen fear to tread!

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I am obviously too young to have any experience in this..but I guess I'll post anyway. I don't believe in any benevolent higher power (I used to be a christian, and now i'm a deist), and it stands to reason that if i don't believe in some all-powerful force watching over us that I wouldn't believe in soul mates. I don't see why it matters if you're someone's "soul mate" though..I mean if you love someone, who cares if you were predestined to do that? I would much rather think that I loved someone out of my own personal free will..


those are just my thoughts..

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term soul mate means many different things. These are souls that you have experienced with in past, parallel or future lifetimes. They can also be aspects of your soul experiencing at this time in another body. We are all multidimensional beings, your soul having experiences, in many realities, at the same time. As we all evolve from the same source of consciousness creation, we could say that we are all soul mates in a manner of speaking.


Soul mate is sometimes used to designate someone with whom one has a feeling of deep and natural affinity, friendship, love, intimacy, sexuality, and/or compatibility. Soul mates can have various types of relationships, which do not always include romantic love. They can be close friends, co-workers, a teacher, anyone who influences your life one way or another. They play the emotional, spiritual, physical, and mental, games of third dimension with you. They can affect relationships in a positive or negative way depending on the emotional issues of the people concerned.


Souls often come together to work out issues or play reverse roles than that which they are experiencing elsewhere.


Anyone who is in your biological family, or adopted family, or pseudo-family, is a soul mate to you.


You feel closer to certain souls, because you have attracted them into your life as they are on the same frequency as you or because you want to work out issues with them.

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Its a funny thing when your in the army. People get married young because they fear that they will die alone on the battlefield. I cant say anything here because I am still searching for my one and only. Its actually kinda depressing seeing everyone getting married around you and wondering when will I find true happiness?

It will happen when and if its meant to be!


And sometimes it takes nine looong years to happen.

then it was meant to be, fools rush in, where wisemen fear to tread!


I agree with Dezi on that one. It would, more likely than not, prove foolish to run into a relationship as commitful as a marriage is meant to be..or any relationship, where such is concearned.

I can understand the want and need not to be alone, especially with so many around that have "found" that special someone...however, I think it is important to point out that most are probably not as happy as they might first seem. Every relationship has it kinks that need to be worked out, and indeed can cause much unhappiness in the relationship. Those who rush in, however,(IMO) often see what they want to see in their partners; which would be due in part to the wanting to be with someone so that they won't be alone. It is usually only after spending a greater deal of time with said partner that the person knows them better for who they are, which often seems discovered too late or after much distress.

I suppose though, that it all depends on what you find, and if you think that it is still worth working for.


Even though I don't like the thought of rushing into a relationship, I know that such relationships still have their benefits even if they don't work out. The lessons learned can prove quite invaluable in future relationships, and may even end up bettering a person through other means. Amongst many other things, I benefited most from the location that I moved to during the relationship, and the people that it had made possible for me to meet in choosing to come with him and in staying after the relationship had ended. Being able to successfully live on my own would not have been possible had I not moved to a like location. Nor would I have thought of living in a small town had I not moved with him...well, rather I would not have so soon for their is always the possibilites. Through this leads back to part of the original topic, soul mates. Which I choose to think of as (in short)two people who can share anything and everything with, love each other(though the type of love doesn't matter)unconditionally, and can always be themselves around. Take all three of those to the extreme and you will have a good idea of what I feel a soul mate is. This I have found, he's my best and most true friend. Meh, he goes through relationships faster than Missouri weather changes. >< *Ponders who his girlfriend might be next month*


Ahhh, also, I can not believe that two individuals were born to be together in love as being soul mates. Which somewhat contradicts my belief that everything happens for a reason.

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I don't believe in soul mates, or love that was meant to be. I believe in choices, and the will to work at staying together, when sometimes it would just be so much easier to let it all fall apart, to philosophically shrug one's shoulders and say "It wasn't meant to be."


If "fate" does play a role in bringing two people together, it plays no part in keeping them together. Happily ever after takes work. I fell in love with the person I married almost immediately, but we aren't together sixteen years later because of destiny. My husband and I can take full credit for that- not fate.


I also can't believe in fate or predestination because in every other aspect of life, the notion is offensive to me. Is it fate that some people get cancer? Fate that places a child in an abusive household? What about the poor guy that works his ass off his entire life, and never gets ahead, while someone else, born with every advantage already in place, wins the lottery? Was that destiny?


" Out of all the different people in this world, I choose to walk through life with you" means a lot more to me than "We were meant to be".


Just my opinion.

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then it was meant to be, fools rush in, where wisemen fear to tread!

It seems like a lot of people have the mindset of "We're obviously meant to be, so let's get married now!", and end up divorced a couple of years later. It just seems like the mindset of a relationship being meant to be is just a way to get out of work (e.g. "If we're meant to be, then we'll alwaysbe together, so why worry about working on our relationship?").


I thnk GW put it really well..

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  • 3 weeks later...

Soul mates not so much but true love yes.


If you believe in destiny you may believe that certain people are destined to be togethor.


However if you also believe that destiny can or cannot be changed and to what extent. Then what is a soul mate anyway.


I do believe that soul mates exsist, but those of whom may argee or disagree should remember what does it mean to be a soul mate and what does it mean to be in love if you have never been in love before.



Don't hate me cause i answer questions with questions but that'S my job and i LOVE it.




Now figure that out.

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