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Cubemap not working on custom armor mod

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Hello, I'm working on a new weapon and armor mod for Skyrim and this is the first time I've encountered this issue.


I was able to correctly import my weapons into skyrim with the textures and settings working as intended. However, the armor is proving to be difficult in a particular matter. I was able to import it into Skyrim and it works. The weights are great, the model doesn't clip and textures are in as well. Well, except for one.

For some reason Nifskope is not reading the cubemap on the armor which is the same one that I use on the weapons and it works just fine for those. I checked to see if the "SLSF1 Environment_Mapping" tag is turned on which it is, checked if the texture is on the right input which it is. Everything is from what I see, correct. Identical to the weapon settings almost. However, when I change the value of the "Environment Map Scale" it doesn't do anything. There is no difference between 0 or 20. I've switched cubemaps, copied other BSshaderproperties from other armors and still nothing.


I'm not sure if it was me or armors require something different, or it was perhaps Outfit Studio. I used it to weight my mesh and exported it as a .NIF file to use in Nifskope, maybe Outfit Studio is a bit buggy or I missed something?


I'm rather stuck on this, while the armor is fully working in game, it just doesn't look how I want it to. If anyone has any suggestions, ideas to what might be going on here, I'd appreciate it.

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Can you stretch it out so I can read all the shader flags 1. You could also drag "type" so it's between "name" and "value" which helps with the view-ability a little.


It would also help to see your texture set.


We'll get you sorted.


Here they are:







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Hmm. Looks Like you have everything set right. And this doesn't give you the ENV Map in-game?


Just in case you were not aware, ENV maps don't show in Outfit Studio.


Not in game nor in Nifskope. The scale value just doesn't show anything, unlike when I did the weapons. But if I load a vanilla armor and apply this same cubemap it works. It will show the reflection on it changing based on the cubemap and the scale value. There seems to be an issue with this .NIF that Outfit created I think.

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Try renaming the ....armor_basic_m.dds to something that gets rid of the "m" suffix. Anything without the "_m" at the end. I've run into times where the mesh won't work with it for some reason.


Other than that I'm kind of stumped.


I just tried renaming it but sadly it's still the same.


I still think I made a mistake along the way in this. I find this too strange, because it clearly works on other .NIF files, so it has to be something I did. I'm going to cover my steps and you can check to see if I did everything correctly.


1. I modeled my armor in Blender;

2. I optimized it, and unwrapped it and exported it into Substance Painter for texturing;

3. Textures are done in Substance Painter and exported into Gimp;

4. I adjust the textures and export them out of Gimp as .dds files;

5. I open Outfit Studio64x for Skyrim SE and select "New Project";

6. In the New project window, I select a reference from file; The file is the DaedricCuirass_0 since it matched rather well with my armor;

7. I select "Next" and I don't select or do anything else in the next view except pressing "Finnish";

8. I import my .OBJ file that contains my armor into Outfit and adjust it until it's in the exact same position as the Daedric armor;

9. I copy the weights to my mesh;

10. I go to the properties of my mesh and change the shader type from "Default" to "Environment Map" and save and close;

11. I export my armor as a .NIF file;

12. I open it inside Nifskope 2.0 and start applying textures;

13. All textures are applied and showing except for the cubemap that is not affecting the mesh at all.


These are all the steps I took. Considering I'm a novice at modding, I assume I must've done something wrong to cause this.


EDIT: Okay, I think now I'm certain there is something I'm doing wrong. Because I just did this whole process with a vanilla armor using the vanilla textures and the same happened. The .NIF exported from Outfit doesn't read the cubemap at all. So whatever is going on, it happens inside Outfit Studio.

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