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Trouble with Frost


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Hi, I done the quest where you get Frost and I Chose the option to kill the guy at the end of it. I was able to use it fine until I mounted a different horse and fast travelled. Now I can't find Frost and every time I fast travel I get t he last horse I was on. Also I notice now in general stats it says I own 0 horses. Shouldnt frost register as an owned horse? Hope someone know how I can get Frost back :unsure:
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Don't use "placeatme" AT ALL in this game. Seriously. It's not a matter of if, but of when your game will become unstable, possibly to the point of CTD, and your only recourse will be to start a new game.


"placeatme" creates duplicate instances of an object. If those instances are unique, named, actors you will have more than one in the game at a time. This can, obviously, cause problems, but more to the point, it causes game bloat because the Skyrim engine does not clean up well after placeatme is used. This is up to the person using the command, whether from the console or within a mod. There are still modders who use this command and know nothing about how to clean up after it. Those mods probably cause more problems than any others.


If you lose an actor then use "moveto" to either get that person or animal to you or to go where it is located.

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I use the Educated Horses mod but, every now and then Frost will not come back regardless of how many time I call. In those cases I have a bat file, named findfrost.txt, that I use. One line: player.moveto 97e1f. He's usually just spooked by a sabre cat or something.
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I always thought the safest way to get a missing NPC to come to me was:


Prid <ref id> [return]

moveto player




(Sorry for the semi-hijack but I figured it was on topic... and I really wanna know. I used that command a lot for companions, and my game recently went haywire. I never saw a connection between the two but now I'm thinkin... maybe?)

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Thanks for all the replies! I tried using player.moveto 97e1f & 00097e1f both sent me near Gjukar's monument near Rorikstead but I dont see Frost. What could this mean? Has he fallen through the ground? got hit by a giant and took to the sky?


I didnt realise placeatme caused problems, in my previous game I used it to move the vampire cure guy to the ritual spot because I messed up the quest by going there when im fully vamped. And I started noticing al ot of glitches like people standing there doing nothing and more and more quests stopped triggering. That basically became unplayable, I didnt even know this was related but now it makes total sense. This needs to be common knowledge because I seen a lot of people saying they used this and I seen it posted on forums as a solution to these type of problems more than once.

Edited by BabaDread
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I lost Frost in the Battle of Whiterun.



Being at the stable, he was the first thing the Nords attacked and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't defend him and the barricade. And he didn't just run away... He was laying there dead after the battle.



Once I realized his precarious position, my prior save (that would have allowed me to re-position him) was so far back it was like... "Good bye Frost, you shall be avenged."


I'm guessing I could have (and still could) "resurrect" but that's not how I roll. :wink:

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I didn't realise Frost could die, but oh well guess ill move on to Shadowmare. But it just bugs me cause at least you know what happened to your Frost...mine just went missing after I got on a different horse. Unless the same thing happened to me and he got killed in the battle of Whiterun. Also can anyone tell me if Frost actually registers as an owned horse. If he does I guess he really is dead because I got 0 for 'horses owned' in stats.
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