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How Can This Happen?

David Brasher

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I was building a quest and the dialog was working okay. Then suddenly none of the dialog would ever display. I tried clean saves and three different play-tester characters along with other things.


Then I got really ticked off and removed all the dialog conditions from the first line of dialog. Every actor in the world should now be using my dialog! But nobody at all that I have found will use my dialog.


How does something like this happen?

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I was building a quest and the dialog was working okay. Then suddenly none of the dialog would ever display. I tried clean saves and three different play-tester characters along with other things.


Then I got really ticked off and removed all the dialog conditions from the first line of dialog. Every actor in the world should now be using my dialog! But nobody at all that I have found will use my dialog.


How does something like this happen?


When you say they arent saying you dialogue do you mean

1 = its not showing up in text,

2 = it is showing in text but they dont speek the words or

3 = neither the text nor voice work?

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I did once experience a similar kind of problem with my dialog and it turned out that old dialog that I 'deleted' from the quest was only deleted from the quest's dialog view but was still in the mod as loose dialog. I think I found the old dialog with TesSnip and was able to delete it that way.



I remember that it didn't really make sense that the old dialog would cause new dialog to not show, but deleting the old dialog fixed the issue.


Now of course, as I have complained in another thread, random ppl who download my mod experience the exact same issue, and I think that they have some random piece of data in their savegames that interferes, or ghost data from an earlier .esp version that interferes... it's all very frustrating. :pinch:



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Had the same problem today. For me it was a problem with some error in the Quest Alias maybe you should check that. I only changed like 1 thing in the Quest Alias and all the other dialogue disappeared , too. When I fixed the Alias the dialogue worked again. sometimes you get these errors when you load your esp. Don't just click "Yes to all" all the time. Read the errors. If there is something like "Problem in Quest Alias of Quest "CustomQuest1"[...]" then you might know whats wrong Edited by killerrj8
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