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avengers infinity war followers and quest


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Ok I know a lot of people probably are too busy actually making mods right now but I had an idea of basically

all the Avengers and of guardians the galaxy characters all teaming up with the Dragonborn to defeat Thanos and gain trust by them asking you for help but not trusting you at first then by the time the quest is finished they will stay and help you fight dragons and you can gain the infinity gauntlet by defeating Thanos


anyway thanks for taking the time to read this but I know that most modders are busy doing other things I just wanted to know if you like this idea

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I just wanted to know if you like this idea


Not at all for several reasons but especially because what you want is a at last a totally new and different game that has nothing to do with Skyrim or the Elder Scrolls series and that no one here is able to create. And I truly think this is even worse than your last Avengers request.

Edited by Novem99
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what are you talking about as I didn't have a last avengers request I had a different request this is my first Avengers quest ever so please don't hate or be rude as I only asked your opinion

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