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XB1 Vault 111 Interior Sound Fix


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For those who don't know, there is a glitch which the exact cause is unknown... but there is only 1 known fix for it besides the /maybe/ solution of uninstalling mods and starting a new game. I don't want to do the later, because I want to play with the save I have, as simple as that. For me I cannot just start a new game, play however far only to discover a game breaking bug like 1 hour in, and then quit and restart all over. That makes the whole experience unfathomably repetitive and boring.

Basically the bug is where for whatever reason the vault 111 anouncer sound from the beginning of the game that says something like "critical failure in the cryogenic array", keeps playing in all interiors in the game after you leave the vault. The only known real fix, is to replace that audio file with a silent/blank one. PC users do this, and have such a file uploaded to the Nexus. Yet for whatever reason they just completely forget about us Xbox players, because the problem is solved for /them/.

Could someone PLEASE upload such a mod for Xbox?

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Link me the nexus mod, I’ve never had this bug but I’ll try to get permissions to port the fix to Xbox for you.


There is 2 different ones:





The second one however, isn't a sound replacer but instead utilizes a particular console command, and the guy says he doesn't want to put it on Bethesda.net because he doesn't like it personally.


My thing is, in either of these cases /you/ could just make your own version. You wouldn't have to ask for permission then, and there would be no chance to get "no answer" or even an outright No which would stop you in your tracks or at least waste time and make this request take longer to be fulfilled than is necessary.

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I know NOTHING about sound files or how to edit them. I did ask permissions to port the replacer but the author hasn’t been around in a while. I’ll look at the other one to see if there’s something that will work on Xbox there.


A simple google search revealed someone posted a free silent Wav file on this topic: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/silent-wav-file.500379/


I'm pretty sure you need an MP3 for fallout 4 though, which you can get here: https://www.2shared.com/audio/muzIC9Iw/Silent_sound_file.html


Depends on whatever Fallout 4 uses. Then it is just like replacing a texture or mesh, you put the file in the same folder structure as the original file with the same file name as the original file. Which you can find out by downloading that first mod I linked to and opening it up to see what file structure and filename they used.


Then you pack it into a BSA Archive or whatever, and port it over to Xbox. I don't know if the creation kit automatically packs mods into an archive when you port it over, shrug.

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Sounds replaces no, I’ve ported some weapons mods that had sound files. I had to pack them by hand.


I’m going to see if I can get permissions before I look into making a fix but I do hope you know I am trying to help you out here.


You can see people in the comments section for those mods BEGGING these people to make an Xbox version.


Look dude, I'm just tryin to tell you how I see this is going. I know what it's like to try and message mod authors for permission and unless they are a big name with a semi constant upload rate. You aren't liable to get a response... ever. In most cases if it is something that is easy to do on your own, that typically should be your go-to.


Not to mention I could have messaged those mod authors myself. This isn't why I made this request topic, I literally asked if someone could MAKE it for this reason. It is not just /me/ you are helping here, a lot of people have had this same problem and most of them just kinda put up with it.

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TerramineLightvoid, you obviously do not know who Chucksteel is. He has been modding Fallout games since FO3 and is a well respected modder in both the Nexus and Bethesda.net communities. He is a staunch supporter of console mods, has uploaded all of his own FO4 mods for use on console AND he does a lot of console mod ports on request when the proper permissions have been obtained. Before you presume to tell him how to do things, you really should research who you are talking to and maybe adopt a more respectful tone.
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