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XB1 Vault 111 Interior Sound Fix


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TerramineLightvoid, you obviously do not know who Chucksteel is. He has been modding Fallout games since FO3 and is a well respected modder in both the Nexus and Bethesda.net communities. He is a staunch supporter of console mods, has uploaded all of his own FO4 mods for use on console AND he does a lot of console mod ports on request when the proper permissions have been obtained. Before you presume to tell him how to do things, you really should research who you are talking to and maybe adopt a more respectful tone.


Pretty certain my tone isn't disrespectful. But if you want me to go there, I'd bluntly assert that he is honestly f*#@ing this up with his reputation if anything. Now everybody else is going to ignore this request because they think "Oh, Chucksteel is on the case so nobody else needs to help, problem solved."


Meanwhile, as the only person trying to solve this problem, he sits around waiting to ask for permission for a Mod that nobody can claim permission on anyways because it's either a Console Command that you can make work on Xbox by adding in a tape that executes the code. Or you can use a free resource to replace the sound with a silent one.


Neither of the people he is asking have been on since 2 years or longer. So basically, I'm f*#@ed. Along with everybody else who has this problem. For a problem that should take literally 2 minutes to solve like people on PC already did.

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Look me up!


Edit: Iâm the biggest console supporter youâll ever find here, I also garnish some respect from this community because I pay it back!


Argumentum Ad Authority fallacy. This changes literally nothing about what I have said, the facts that I have pointed out. Your contributions are much appreciated, but you aren't solving my problem in the slightest.

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Then fix it for yourself big guy!


Lmao, I only have an Xbox so it's literally impossible for me to do so. You think you're real funny, but if I COULD I would have proven myself right in the blink of an eye because I wouldn't have wasted time asking a little youknowwhat like you. I would have just done it, in a measily 2 minutes, making the you in this timeline and universe look like a complete and utter retard? Because you spent however much time dicking around jerking yourself off trying to give yourself credit and make yourself feel better when... literally I SAID RIGHT IN THE OP. I ASKED IF SOMEBODY COULD /MAKE/ THE MOD. You responded completely off topic, doing s#*! that literally was everything my request WASN'T asking for.



You just screw yourself! Have fun falling on y our face!

Bruh. Just... no. I'm sure everybody reading this will see me as the asshole for speaking the truth. But that's just simply not the case. Anyone with a sensible amount of intelligence, can see what I clearly asked in the OP and that you deliberately came in here to try and give yourself a cookie and make yourself look good and stroke your egotesticles all over the place.


I get that in the sticky thread they make the point to say "maybe you're not getting responses because you're an asshole". But I don't think that quite applies when the other guy is being a massive raging cock, while I'm just trying to get a goddamn 2 second Mod made that literally COUNTLESS other people want made too. Hell your reaction here proves what I am saying. Because I call you out on it, and because you're not getting that cookie, you literally abandon all those other people too. You're only in it for the validation, and that is just plain retarded. You're not supposed to help people for praise of yourself. You're suppose to do it because people are in need.


It doesn't get more egotistical than saying I am basically hopeless without /you/. Without the "great" chucksteel, I'm going to fall flat on my face because all others are worthless and cannot possibly do better at solving my problem than /you/. Herpderp.

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@chucksteel Wow, I have and like some of your mods but I didn't realize you were such an egotistical jerk. With a sycophantic jester to boot... I understand if you don't feel like doing it, but if that's the case you could respectfully decline or ask one of your buddies to replace a sound file real quick. I guess I know not to ask you for anything in the future.

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Wow! The nerve of you guys to come on this site and start treating mod authors like this is disgusting! Chucksteel was trying to HELP in the beginning and you decided to turn into total jerks while asking someone to do a favor for you! You obviously do not realize that modders are NOT here to fulfill your every whim just because you think you are entitled to something! Your utter lack of respect is unbelievable! Just so you know, Chucksteel DID get the permissions to port the mod you wanted, but guess what is NOT happening now? Yep, you just shot yourself in your own foot! Good luck with getting anyone else here to help you out after the asinine crap you pulled in this thread. Maybe this will teach you to learn some freaking manners.
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As this mod request discussion went off topic and turned into name calling I am locking this thread right away instead of evaluating and carrying out possible or warranted administrative action towards certain involved participants here.

Be aware, mod authors owe nothing to anyone concerning their work, they spent time and efforts for creating and providing their work for free and not for anything to create and provide by request.

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