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[LE] how to use SKSE function GetSkillUseMult

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Working on a script that needs to read some of the current experience values for some skills.


I am not hardcoding in the default values, as the player may have changed some of them with one of the various XP mods.


I am trying to read the current Skill Use Mult for the Light Armor skill.


There is a SKSE function, Float GetSkillUseMult()


Here is my code;

_myfloatvar = Game.GetSkillUseMult("LightArmor")

I get the following compiler errors...

GetSkillUseMult is not a function or does not exist

cannot call the member function GetSkillUseMult alone or on a type, must call it on a variable


I have installed the skse scripts and source, and have other SKSE functions working ok.


Any suggestions?








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Thanks, but I was struggling to even figure out how to use that.


For example, what would be the value to determine the skill use multiplier for one handed? Is it 96 OneHandedMod ?


I guess I could try a bunch of them, and see what I get, but was hoping that it would be a bit more direct.


regardless of my lack of comprehension, thank you for trying to give info.

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The skill use for skillMods are inherited from the Skills. Thus if you call that function on OneHandedMod, it should return 6.3.

Thank you for the response - that now makes sense.


however, I am having challenges using the functions - type mismatces etc .


For example, I am trying to the value of OneHandedMod to a variable.


ActorValueInfo _myvariable = ActorValueInfo.GetActorValueInfobyName("OneHandedMod")
Debug.MessageBox("One Handed Mod: " + _myvariable)

I get back a weird value for _myvariable... " ActorvalueInfo <(000000607)>"


I am expecting 6.3


If there are any suggestions.....



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Ok, tried more tests of this to attempt to figure it out on my own, but could not find any actual in script examples....

ActorValueInfo _myvariable = ActorValueInfo.GetActorValueInfobyName("OneHandedMod")

I get garbage back. I should get the value for one handed.

Can someone give a working example of this?

Edited by davethepak
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ActorValueInfo oneHanded = ActorValueInfo.GetActorValueInfoByName("OneHanded")
Float skillUseMulti = oneHanded.GetSkillUseMult()
debug.trace("Skill Use Multi: " +skillUseMulti)

Assigning it to a float variable in this case wasn't necessary, but it's a habit of mine haha.

[05/12/2018 - 09:21:34AM] Skill Use Multi: 6.300000

Edited by Rasikko
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