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Mods wont work


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I recently got about 12 mods such as Beautiful Riften, Better Whiterun, Better map, and more. I started up the game from steam, the mods didnt work. I started it from the mod manager, and mods still didnt work. Could someone help me to get the mods to work. :blink: Edited by maemae917
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Download the Mod Thru Nexus Mod Manager


Install the mod by clicking on the mod tab, Highlight the mod you want to install, and click the *Activate the selected Mod*

Click on plugins and make sure the .esp is there and checked


Make sure you have a up to date version of Skyrim.


Also Make sure it's checked when you load Skyrim in the Data Files.

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Ok, so I've downloaded some mods both here and through steam. The ones from steam appear in the start menu when they are being downloaded but not the nexus ones. I had some compatability issues that made me start a new game so I don't know yet whether the nexus mods have actually downloaded. Is there a way to know before I come across say a wild dragonman (I've only downloaded the monster mod so far).
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haha, I had that problem like 15 minutes ago,

actually, I opened the Nexus Mod Manager, checked everything in plugins and mods and when I opened the Skyrim Launch, I saw that data files was available, so I clicked it, and also clicked attach loose files (or whatever that last option is) xD

hope this helps ^^


Ps : oh and dont expect to see new stuff on ur world map, you actually have to FIND it. Though, when close by, there is the black unknown location icon that guides you :)

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