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The High priest came out of his hidden chambers, and stood over Victoria, sacrificial dagger in hand. He then starts chanting in Latin, preparing to sacrifice the girl. He raises the knife and is about to plunge it into Victoria's chest, but sprouts a throwing knife between his eyes.


Alexander Anderson walks slowly into the room, he holds his bayonets at his sides, and states "Ye have been chosen to reveal my existance to the world! You will witness what happens here today, and you will speak of it later. Except you won't! Cause I'll have killed ya! Hahahaha!" He shifts his bayonets from being at his sides to his favored battle stance, holding both blades crossed in front of him looking like a cross.

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Cult members started to run at Anderson, he started slicing, dicing, and cutting and within a few moments the room was cleared. however, He had been a little out of shape, and one of the cultists had managed to gash his leg. he limps over to the alter,and pulls out a knife. He uses it to jimmy the manacles off of Victoria, and then goes to work on the other one's shackles. "I am Father Alexander Anderson. i work for the Templar and the Catholic Church as a Hit man. My assignment today was to wipe these out and protect you, Victoria."
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"Just so, mistress. I am here to offer a truce. Also, I am after these cultists because of the Church. I am Paladin of Escariot Division. The secret army of the Vatican. We are sworn to wipe out Demons, and Vampires, werewolves cultists, and leprechauns. Never actually found any of those, but d'ya think if I cut it with my knife Lucky charms will spill everywhere?" He asks jokingly, having managed to free the french man.
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Victoria frowned and punched the altar "Oh f***!" She said, she calmed down and turned to Anderson "It's not my place to decide whether we have a truce... but if it is to deal with this cult then fine." She looked at him and said "Yeah, i got my fathers title. I assume that is what spurred the truce? because i know, because i have spies too, that the Templars are running short on money."
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