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Elder Scrolls VI: The Return


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I'd love to play in Hammerfell. It'd be cool to see a sort of Arabian themed world. I'd like to see camel mounts as well as horses and maybe a few few more fantastical things. New enemies could include giant scorpions, sand golems, djinn, and of course mud...er...sand crabs. Also maybe as a quest reward you could trap a djinn in a lamp and make him fight for you.

The ability to customize the look of your armor would be nice, even if it's just a simple as adding horns or other bits and bobs to it. Also curved swords..CURVED SWORDS!

I like the option to join the Al'akier (however it's spelled) Also I like to see the Malong Tong re-establish in Hammerfell(or where ever the next game is set) They'd probably not enjoy the same legal status they had in Morrowind, but they could be a rival faction to the DB. More rival factions that force you to choose sides would be cool too.

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I don't think TES VI should be centered on any one region. It should have the entirety of Tamriel available. The individual nations just feel too small. Skyrim feels too small. I mean, it doesn't take long at all to get from one point of the map to another. Meanwhile miniquests that appear to sound like it's happening right next door to you, turns out the location you're supposed to go is half way across the map or further.


Skyrim feels tiny.

Oblivion felt much much much bigger then Skyrim does. Local problems, to my memory, actually seemed to be local problems. That was and is my biggest pet peeve. How far you have to travel for a job that was painted out as though it was happening in the quest-giver's back yard.



So. I want a HUGE game world to explore. I want... All of Tamriel. And then some! New areas on other continents could be continuously released in DLC. The games almost make it seem like Tamriel is literally the center of the universe. Like Tamriel IS the mortal plane, the other continents exist only in fairytales of ages long, long, long past.

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I don't think TES VI should be centered on any one region. It should have the entirety of Tamriel available. The individual nations just feel too small. Skyrim feels too small. I mean, it doesn't take long at all to get from one point of the map to another. Meanwhile miniquests that appear to sound like it's happening right next door to you, turns out the location you're supposed to go is half way across the map or further.


Skyrim feels tiny.

Oblivion felt much much much bigger then Skyrim does. Local problems, to my memory, actually seemed to be local problems. That was and is my biggest pet peeve. How far you have to travel for a job that was painted out as though it was happening in the quest-giver's back yard.



So. I want a HUGE game world to explore. I want... All of Tamriel. And then some! New areas on other continents could be continuously released in DLC. The games almost make it seem like Tamriel is literally the center of the universe. Like Tamriel IS the mortal plane, the other continents exist only in fairytales of ages long, long, long past.


my wish exactly among other things of course like daedric quest chain for evil rp...yeah yeah ..but surely one quest for each deity is just not enough, then perhaps more interactions with npcs as it was before Skyrim. sure the list is huge, but most of things have been mentioned before already :thumbsup:

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I would love it if Bethesda just built a HUGE world space like skyrim (but obviously not set in skyrim) make really decent looooong guild and daedric and other side quests...and just didnt bother having a main quest at all. You are no one special, not the chosen one, just an adventurer out looking to make something of yourself, no more special than any other npc.


As far as art assets I would agree with some of the other posters here, lets give typical fantasy Celtic look a pass, something a bit more exotic and alien would be more interesting.


oh and make some of the guild quest-lines almost mutually exclusive, ie make a companion questline that involves fighting in arena with a no magic dampening field and the wizards questline containing a mission that involves entering an oblivion space where no metal is allowed.

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I'd love to see a game spanning Valenwood, Elsweyr, Blackmarsh, and parts of Cyrodiil.

The Dominion fronted by special Thalmor forces has decimated and fractured the Empire. The destruction of Alduin has actually furthered their goals, allowing them to gain so much power. They only have the White Gold Tower left to destroy before their ascension is complete, so they're waging war against the last of the Empire and hunting down all the "lesser" races (man and beast). Southern Tamriel has become the last front in the war, where many disparate races have grudgingly joined together to form a resistance. The PC is rescued from a slave caravan by coalition fighters and given the option to enlist (start the main quest) or escape (do whatever). This is what I'd like to see based on my knowledge of TES lore.

This would provide a wide variety of locations: Giant classical forest filled with elven architecture (TREEHOUSES), jungles, desert, canyons, swamp, and medieval England.

I think it would great if a player could side with the Dominion, essentially giving the game two main quests (like a grand and well written version of the Empire/Stormcloak conflict), perhaps with the option to defect or play double agent.


I know, I want more than we'll get


Edit: also, quest results would change more than a guard's uniform!

Edited by h0rsel0ver
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