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Making a texture bright...


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If I was going to make parts of textures glow as if they were neon (but without any actual cast light, btw, I just need to make them really bright), what programs would I need, and how would I go about doing that? I have Gimp and Paint.NET already for texture work, but I suppose I'll probably need something else like the Gimp.dds plugin since Paint.NET won't convert with transparency. Would the Gimp.dds plugin work, and if so, can someone possibly tell me which site to check? When I Googled it I only found a sea of links leading to viruses and adware/malware installers with terrible grammar. I also need to know which texture to edit to make things very bright. Would it have a suffix like "genericdoortexture_msn.dds" rather than just "genericdoortexture.dds" or something? Edited by Rennn
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First what exactly are you trying to do?

A 'glow' effect such as on Daedric artifacts or the 'skin' of Flame Atronachs for instance, requires a separate part added to the mesh (a 'glow' mesh if you will)

To just make a part of an armor really, really shiny, you can usually edit the *armorname*_m.dds file (mask file) to increase brightness/reflectivity on specific parts and you can ALSO adjust the properties of the BSLightingShaderProperties of the NiTriShape in Nifskope by adjusting things like "Environment Map Strength" and Glossiness"


And Paint.net will quite happily save .dds files with transparency, you can either use a 'transparency' plugin (download ONLY from the Pain.net forums) or you can use 'layers' and set the transparency on that (use the 'lasso' tool to select the part you wish to modify -> copy it <CTRL + C> then hit 'delete' -> add another layer to your image and <CTRL+V> to paste the copied data -> click the layer properties button -> adjust the 'opacity' of the layer -> merge the layer down -> save the file as DXT 5 .dds -> Profit!

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