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CK keeps CTD in certain cells

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the way I look at it, if I make a mod (apart from a few requests) its made for me, to my tastes, I might take advice, but its what I want. But remember no matter what you publish people would want it. You will never please everyone, but you will please some. I know what you mean by playing with the ck. I personally enjoy it more than the game. lol. But your right some people wouldn't want a futuristic tamriel. Personally If youd have said to me before about it, id not be over enthusiastic but after seen the screen shots it looks like an amazing world space to explore. But one thing I learned before I started modding, you cant please everyone. If you released it, you can still work on expanding it improving it or fixing it. But it allows you to show the world what you can do, and youd know that someone else is enjoying your work. My first house mod was rubbish, I didn't even know how to add the ground textures. I released it on beth.net on xbox one and pc. last time I checked it had about 10 000 downloads. As I say it was rubbish, I think the idea was good, but I didn't execute it right. So if people will download and use that they will download anything. One request I had was to place a copy of the rusty mace from the molag bal quest so they could have both the rusty mace and the mace of molag bal.

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my god that must be massive, makes me feel even more sorry for you when it comes to navmeshing lol. I enjoy nav meshing, just not too much, I usually spend a day or so nav meshing the whole project. I should imagine thatll take you months

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Fortunately Most of that area is only meant for background purposes. They are basically giant LOD meshes. Even with 4k textures they don't hold up when you get too close to them. The thought was to do different areas of the city like how they did parts of DC in Fallout 3. Where the only way to get to them was by subway or fast travel.

Edited by TheWilloughbian
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the way I look at it, if I make a mod (apart from a few requests) its made for me, to my tastes, I might take advice, but its what I want. But remember no matter what you publish people would want it. You will never please everyone, but you will please some. I know what you mean by playing with the ck. I personally enjoy it more than the game. lol. But your right some people wouldn't want a futuristic tamriel. Personally If youd have said to me before about it, id not be over enthusiastic but after seen the screen shots it looks like an amazing world space to explore. But one thing I learned before I started modding, you cant please everyone. If you released it, you can still work on expanding it improving it or fixing it. But it allows you to show the world what you can do, and youd know that someone else is enjoying your work. My first house mod was rubbish, I didn't even know how to add the ground textures. I released it on beth.net on xbox one and pc. last time I checked it had about 10 000 downloads. As I say it was rubbish, I think the idea was good, but I didn't execute it right. So if people will download and use that they will download anything. One request I had was to place a copy of the rusty mace from the molag bal quest so they could have both the rusty mace and the mace of molag bal.


Well when I need a tester I'll be sure to hit you up.

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id love to test it. It looks amazing. some of the visuals. Then the detail you've gone into. When I first see the screen shots I weren't sure if it was fallout or skyrim, it was only when I see the khajiit. Ive not really played fallout I did by fallout 4 but couldn't get into it, so as I say I really weren't sure. I looks stunning, I know you say some of it is LOD used as a static, you would have still had to fit it together right making it look right then build your city too. Honestly I wish some of the bigger hold capitals in skyrim had had that attention to detail and effort put in. Places like solitude and windhelm really should have been much bigger as they are or could be the capital of skyrim. Maybe you should apply to Bethesda and offer to help build their next lot of cities

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Nah. I'm not down with CC. Beside most of the assets aren't my work. Just stuff I've collected over the past year or so that came with Creative Commons License or open permissions. For instance these city meshes are by someone that goes by 3-d-c. Does some really cool model kits.


Also, it looks like Bethesda might be coming out with a Sci-fi game. Kinda fuzzy as to whether it's set in TES, though. But, laser wielding Khajiit battling Elven Wizards and their robot minions throughout the cosmos sound like fun.

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I don't mind the cc. Ive bought a few things from the cc. only because I want to expand the game, but I wont buy it if I can get a free version. I like the idea of the cc, but I don't like the way its been done. Ive heard about that sci fi game. I'm not sure but ive heard rumours that it will some how link the fallout series and the TES series. I'm not sure how ive heard a couple of different theories to how it will do it, But they are from people who are guessing and going on small bits of information that's out there. I cant wait for the game to come out, I prefer games that take place in a world that was like how earth was hundreds of years ago, but then I prefer older 70's 80's and 90's games. I only got in to TES with oblivion and that was because I see it on offer for 9.99. So now I'm willing to give all beth games a try

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