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Why Is Your Dovahkin In Skyrim?


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@Fatswordsman....Are you a writer? Thank you for your Dovahkin's story, I found myself immersed and not wanting it to end, loved the ending though, how you tied it all in so beautifully and the uninterrupted flow into the game. You have given your Dovahkin real substance, must be a joy to play....Thank you again.



I am a writer, wrote a lot of fan fiction before Skyrim's release, if you're interested you can see it here. Warning though: As I said, written before release, so nowhere near lore friendly- http://skyrimchat.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=stories

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I started a new game and he just appeared in a carriage next to some smelly looking weirdos and someone who was into BDSM..


Stop that.

It isn´t funny anymore.

Edited by Niborino9409
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I'm totally new to TES, so I didn't have a lot to go in in tems of knowledge of lore etc.


From my first game looking at the character creation menu, just based on the descriptions I had to chose Breton, not really into playing as a non-human (maybe a wood elf, but wood elves in SK just look like aliens to me), and didn't want to be an out and out warrior (i.e nord or redguard). That left me imperial or breton, and breton seemed more interesting.


So, I made my character and not knowing much lore fleshed in a little tiny bit of generic backstory as to why I'm here: I'm an exiled Breton noble who has lost his lands, and knowing that Skyrim is in civil turmoil sees a chance that by gaining the backing of Skyrim's Jarls he may be able to return home, retake what is rightfully his, and declare it an independant kingdom.


So, when I finalise that first character, how happy am I when the first thing anyone says to me is "what are you doing in Skyrim? Fleeing some court intrigue?"...


Unfortunately that first 3 seconds of game play gave me a severely exaggerated expectation of the individuality of the rest of the NPC dialog.

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Unfortunately that first 3 seconds of game play gave me a severely exaggerated expectation of the individuality of the rest of the NPC dialog.
Which is limited to guards only. Hell, i had hoped that once i became the listener, ppl would just say "Dont kill me!" when i approached them... Edited by eltucu
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@Fatswordsman....Are you a writer? Thank you for your Dovahkin's story, I found myself immersed and not wanting it to end, loved the ending though, how you tied it all in so beautifully and the uninterrupted flow into the game. You have given your Dovahkin real substance, must be a joy to play....Thank you again.



I am a writer, wrote a lot of fan fiction before Skyrim's release, if you're interested you can see it here. Warning though: As I said, written before release, so nowhere near lore friendly- http://skyrimchat.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=stories



Thank you Fatswordsman...much appreciated... :happy: ...I don't really enjoy reading off a screen (old fashioned... :happy: ), may I print your stories off so i can read that at leisure?

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I'm totally new to TES, so I didn't have a lot to go in in tems of knowledge of lore etc.


From my first game looking at the character creation menu, just based on the descriptions I had to chose Breton, not really into playing as a non-human (maybe a wood elf, but wood elves in SK just look like aliens to me), and didn't want to be an out and out warrior (i.e nord or redguard). That left me imperial or breton, and breton seemed more interesting.


So, I made my character and not knowing much lore fleshed in a little tiny bit of generic backstory as to why I'm here: I'm an exiled Breton noble who has lost his lands, and knowing that Skyrim is in civil turmoil sees a chance that by gaining the backing of Skyrim's Jarls he may be able to return home, retake what is rightfully his, and declare it an independant kingdom.


So, when I finalise that first character, how happy am I when the first thing anyone says to me is "what are you doing in Skyrim? Fleeing some court intrigue?"...


Unfortunately that first 3 seconds of game play gave me a severely exaggerated expectation of the individuality of the rest of the NPC dialog.


I like how the comment fit in for you....all I get is "The Nord in the rags"...oh well.....I had to play a few Skyrim runs myself before I finally started a character with a back story, getting the feel for Skyrim and the limited dialogs first...it is a shame about the dialog, as the protagonist isn't voiced Bethesda could have gotten away with a larger dialog tree....Dragon Age being a good example of an expanded dialog which I feel makes it more RPG friendly.

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I like how the comment fit in for you....all I get is "The Nord in the rags"...oh well.....I had to play a few Skyrim runs myself before I finally started a character with a back story, getting the feel for Skyrim and the limited dialogs first...it is a shame about the dialog, as the protagonist isn't voiced Bethesda could have gotten away with a larger dialog tree....Dragon Age being a good example of an expanded dialog which I feel makes it more RPG friendly.


The game that got me into Beth's stuff was FONV. The dialog in that was far from perfect, but it DESTROYS Skyrim in every department. The changes made to certain people's reactions based on events, your level of dialog choice and the role playing options it gave you. And it felt like a large cast of actors (it may not have been I don't know) where Skyrim feels like there are 3 voices.

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This seems interesting, let me try...

(I apologize in advance...)


It was a normal day for Lacrimosa, she was killing zombies nearby the mutant fish-frog farm until a bright light suddenly came down from the sky and she was lifted up in the air. Aliens. The aliens had abducted dozens of other humans and were dissecting them, they were led by an alien called NuubaNaaba who was a member of the Shakalaka tribe. NuubaNaaba was dissecting the humans to learn more from their anatomy in order to discover the way to immortality. Lacrimosa over heard the conversionsations of two alien guards, both members of the Shakalaka tribe as well, called Fakinaway and Justaway. Apparently their leader was dying of old age, meaning that he was weak. Upon learning this Lacrimosa and handful of other captured people started working on a escape plan.

After days of planning and perfecting their plan, Lacrimosa and the remaining survivors escaped. A small group started a riot to distract the guards while Lacrimosa picked the lock with a fork and set free everyone else, everyone joined together and beat the guards.

Lacrimosa went after the boss, NuubaNaaba, while others escaped, she was disgusted by the appearance of the old alien and told him that his days are over. For an old alien, he was tough to beat, certainly tougher than the zombies she'd fought against before. After a long fight Lacrimosa was able to bring NuubaNaaba down, who as his last resort, started the alien ship's self destruction sequence. In panic Lacrimosa tried to do something about it, she was pressing the buttons on the ship's control panel desperately, but nothing happened. Soon she pressed another button and a strange sound was heard, however before discovering the source she was knocked unconsious by the falling rubble from the alien ship about to collapse.

She opened her eyes, feeling the blood still dripping from her head, and found herself on a carriage with three other people. With hazy memories of what happened she looked around her and saw a completely different and unknown world.

She know has no choice but to see where the carriage will take her...



I totally ruined Skyrim with this XD But if I had tried anything serious it would've become something cliche. Sorry for my bad English and even worse story. There's a couple of references there, let's see if anyone recognizes them :)

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@Fatswordsman....Are you a writer? Thank you for your Dovahkin's story, I found myself immersed and not wanting it to end, loved the ending though, how you tied it all in so beautifully and the uninterrupted flow into the game. You have given your Dovahkin real substance, must be a joy to play....Thank you again.



I am a writer, wrote a lot of fan fiction before Skyrim's release, if you're interested you can see it here. Warning though: As I said, written before release, so nowhere near lore friendly- http://skyrimchat.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=stories



Thank you Fatswordsman...much appreciated... :happy: ...I don't really enjoy reading off a screen (old fashioned... :happy: ), may I print your stories off so i can read that at leisure?


Yeah sure yeh can print them, though if you want to wait maybe a week or so, I'm gonna update them with a lot of grammar fixes and a new story all together.

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