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I searched like crazy on every mod website but could not find a mod for creating parachutes. I really want to do some skydiving(tcl console command cheat :biggrin: .Can someone make a parachute. If possible can there be two styles to it?


Like in Battlefield 1942: http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110501030453/battlefield/images/8/89/BF1942_IJN_DUDE_EJECTING_PARACHUTE.png


Like in Battlefield 2: http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20101018070532/battlefield/images/thumb/9/95/Parachute_BF_2.jpg/640px-Parachute_BF_2.jpg


I really wanna jump off tenpenny tower and see the ground below or off the cliff near Paradise Falls.

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darksoul2142 - you not allowed to bump threads on the mod request boards. If you continue you could get in trouble from the moderators.

Here's the site rules on bumping: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/269753-do-not-bump-threads/


As for the Parachute it's probably too complex and take alto of time to make for the amount of use it would get (there is very few area where a parachute jump would work in Fallout). So I can't really see anyone with scripting skills making it sorry :confused:

Edited by flamenx01
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As for the Parachute it's probably too complex and take alto of time to make for the amount of use it would get (there is very few area where a parachute jump would work in Fallout). So I can't really see anyone with scripting skills making it sorry :confused:



Thats unfortunate it sounds like an awesome idea

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