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MotB monk?


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I'm pretty new to D&D in general, but lately I've been playing NWN2 and enjoying it immensely. Now, every time I encounter a monk, he just kicks so much 4$$ it isn't even funny.

The dwarf dude from the first NWN game, khelgar (better than fighter khelgar in my experience), ribsmasher etc.

Now I would like to try out a monk in the MotB campaign, but every time I build one he just ends up.. well, not very good.

I've tried several builds and asked my friend for advice, he said wisdom is much much more important than str and dex and that is what I should be focusing on. What do you guys think?

Actually dealing damage is important to me, but the main problem so far is that I die too easily. Thanks in advance, though it's probably gonna be some time before I receive any replies. I swear, the community of this game is just dead.

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If you're talking about the Vampire Monks, I know what you mean...they're awful! :P


But yes, high Wisdom scores will allow you to unlock better feats for your monk. It's these feats that really make them more resilient, deal more damage, etc. Strength and Dexterity are important for dealing and avoiding damage, respectively...yes. But Wisdom is the key for monks.


I always go with this on leveling attributes: when in doubt, click "recommended."


Also, any chance to upgrade your equipment, take it, even if it means draining your money supply. Monks are vulnerable in that they don't use any armor to speak of, so be sure to get those Boots of Striding +6 and those Robes of the Shining Hand. It does make a huge difference. And invest in potions of Heal as well. Lots of 'em.


Also, MotB introduces and interesting prestige class called "Sacred Fist." http://nwn2.wikia.com/wiki/Sacred_Fist


You'd have to take at least one level of a cleric or favored soul and be sure to grab the combat casting feat...but that looks like it might add a little punch to your punches, so to speak. :P

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