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Mystery Conflicting Mod


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Having and issue with a mod not being compatable with up to at least 10 other mods. I am having a hard time finding which one it is and have restarted skyrim about 100 times going through one at a time, but the one that is the problem seems to not activate until I have one of the other mods it conflicts with activated also. Mods I am having conflicts with are quest mods, player home mods, a couple of texture mods, and a weapon pack mod. I am using NMM and BOSS, but load order doesn't seem to help any. Here is my load order from NMM


I am also wishing to run a hardcore mod, but I don't know if it will be compatible with


−Script Extender And Script Extender Plugins

SKSE Version:


−Recognised And Re-ordered Plugins

Skyrim.esm Active

Update.esm Active

SkyMoMod.esm Active

HighResTexturePack01.esp Active

HighResTexturePack02.esp Active

BreezehomeLightingFix.esp Active

Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp Active

chopping_block_wood_fires.esp Active

Requires: DLC HighResTexturePack

enhanceddynamicweathersystem.esp Active

immersive thunder.esp Active

SoS - The Dungeons.esp Active

SoS - The Wilds.esp Active

Better Dynamic Snow.esp Active

Realistic Lighting.esp Active

Realistic Lighting Patcher.esp Active

StaticMeshImprovementMod.esp Active

Birds.esp Active

Deeper Snow.esp Active

dd - enhanced blood main.esp Active

enhanceddistantterrain.esp Active

guardedborders.esp Active

hellayracedesc.esp Active

HigherLevelEnemies.esp Active

hqsnow.esp Active

increasedbountyrewards.esp Active

Item Sorting by Saige.esp Active

ktxcompleteskyforge.esp Active

lt_camping.esp Active

lush trees.esp Active

moredragonloot.esp Active

morerain.esp Active

MoreVillageAnimals.esp Active

new guards.esp Active

SkyMoMod_lists.esp Active

smithingextended.esp Active

vibrantauroras.esp Active

Whistle.esp Active

skyui.esp Active

follower map markers.esp Active

Cloaks - Player Only.esp Active

Cloaks - No Imperial.esp Active

Cloaks.esp Active

dragonboneweaponspack02.esp Active

dragonboneweaponspack01_v01.00.esp Active

WVExpansion.esp Active

Elvenwood.esp Active

hg.esp Active

orvarstomb2.esp Active

Quest_AndTheRealmsOfDaedra.esp Active

Quest_NoMercy.esp Active

SeabreezeEstate.esp Active

The Asteria - Dwemer Airship.esp Active

WestbrookKeep.esp Active

wheezesdungeonpack1.esp Active

Lightweight Potions and Poisons.esp Active

BetterQuestObjectives.esp Active

disablelydiatradedialog.esp Active

DynamicMerchants.esp Active

faster vanilla horses.esp Active

guardskillcomments.esp Active

hunter's discipline - 100%.esp Active

kerplunk.esp Active

lush grass and trees.esp Active

quest_seaofghosts.esp Active

GreenWaterFixForWATER.esp Active

waterfxgetwet.esp Active

Reduced Distance NPC Greetings.esp Active

Distant Detail.esp Active

Spells Cast Light.esp Active

thatsice.esp Active

detailed outskirts.esp Active

detailed cities.esp Active

Open Cities Skyrim.esp Active

dd - realistic ragdoll force - realistic.esp Active

MidasSkyrim.esp Active

enchanting freedom.esp Active

The Dance of Death.esp Active

UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp Active

Note: For safe install need dismiss all your followers, save, delete all included mods, load, save and install UFO

Follower Trap Safety.esp Active

Quest_TheBiggerTheyAre.esp Active

XCE.esp Active


−Unrecognised Plugins


Reorder these by hand using your favourite mod ordering utility.

project-legacy.esp Active

better_water.esp Active

RealisticStamina.esp Active

alchemysatchels.esp Active

all roads.esp

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Ok I have been able to kill about 4-5 mods that were keeping me from loading, but now I have another problem =(


Mods taken out:


hg.esp(quest mod)



the asteria - dwenmer airship.esp

open cities skyrim.esp


I can now load a new game and everything is ok, but when you are about to get your head chopped off and and the dragon lands on the tower right as it is about to use the Dragon Voice the game crashes. I have to start a new game and I can't get past this part.

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Try disabling this one:

dd - enhanced blood main.esp Active

and the dd - realistic ragdoll.esp


I remember the enhanced blood gave me a huge stutter at the decap scene, the ragdoll for the head might be going wonky as well, who knows; worth a shot.

Edited by KaptTorbjorn
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Ok I have been able to kill about 4-5 mods that were keeping me from loading, but now I have another problem =(


Mods taken out:


hg.esp(quest mod)



the asteria - dwenmer airship.esp

open cities skyrim.esp


I can now load a new game and everything is ok, but when you are about to get your head chopped off and and the dragon lands on the tower right as it is about to use the Dragon Voice the game crashes. I have to start a new game and I can't get past this part.


I have had issues with The Realms of the Daedra, The Bigger they are, and No Mercy apparently conflicting when they shouldn't be. The crash I usually get is either on loading a save, exiting a city, or walking a certain distance after fast-travelling the screen freezes. Strangely after I disable the conflicting mod and load in the same save, I am usually attacked by a Dragon after doing one of the load-ins that causes a creah. That may be coincidence though.


The Asteria, Seabreeze Estate, Westbrook Keep and Wheeze's Dungeon Pack 1 may also cause a similar conflict, but I haven't gone through them yet to see if the issue I am having recurs with them. Downloading and going through all the mods on Skyrim Nexus that add new zones/worldspaces and checking to see which ones cause the issue isn't very appealing to me right now.

I did find a common issue between Realms of the Daedra, The Bigger They Are, and No Mercy. And a way that corrected it, and allowed me to load them at the same time.

I can't say with any certainty that this is the issue you are having, but you could try it.



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