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Shop modifications


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I have been trying to modify what shows up in shops. Mainly I was trying to add stuff for fun in end game. Does anyone know how to add a mech or a weapon to a shop list in game?

I tried modding the files for the non sell items like gauss cannon setting the sell to true and rarity to 0. Similar with the king crab setting rarity to 0 and in the shopdef_mech_starleague setting the count to 3.

Neither i have been able to get to show up in the game.


Would anyone be able to help me? One option I would like to try is set up a planet or 3 that would have every mech and weapon in stock so i can play around after the campaign. Im willing to do the grunt work if i can just figure out the step im missing to add something to a shop

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You need to look into the shops folder in order to find each weapon or mech and add them. But I'll give you an example of how I did it with shopdef_Mech_5.json


1.) Remove all tags in both "RequirementTags" and "ExclusionTags"

2.) Cut all items from "Specials" and paste into "inventory"

3.) Delete all item's weight

4.) Change all counts to zero

extra.) you can change "MechPart" to "mech" so stores sell fully complete mechs


With this you can buy atlas's in every store with unlimited quantities.


Things you have to consider is all planets have a set number of specials they can have at one time, so lets say planet A has room for 5. With those 5 open spots all available specials that meet the tag requirements will have a chance based on weight to be placed in those 5 positions. So if you want a super rare mech to be sold at stores it will have to compete with all other mechs and items with higher weights making it hard to test but this can be done away by placing it into the inventory section. All inventory items when tags are satisfied will always show.

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Pretty much what Arkonahn said. make sure you travel away from and back to whatever planet you are trying to see the equipment at as well because it won't change with you in orbit. I've never gone below 1 rarity so dunno if that's adding issues. And I don't know if it's just luck but I have been using campaign planets to spawn my items for testing and they almost always show first visit. If you do that just remember that the name with "flipped" is after you've done the campaign missions on that planet. if you keep having a problem post your addition to whichever shop file and we can check it out.

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Well I was a wingnut and forgot to make a copy of the file before fiddling. must have misplaced a comma or something. Going to reset and try again, making sure to back up the game files first.

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Ok here is a picture of the shop im working on, I just want to make sure im not missing something simple as this is my first time messing with the files.

Edit: It worked! I was able to add king crab, atlas, gaus rifle and ammo to coromir. Thanks a ton!

Edited by swam785
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  • 9 months later...

hey folks, so i am attempting to create my own shop, similar to above, however nothing is showing up in the in-game shop. in the Json file, the only item is a mech, everything set to mirror the above pic but the mech (a dragon) does not show up, only in parts like it was before i ever started editing the file. Any help or insight is appreciated.

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  • 3 months later...

I tried to add lost tech to my shop and now for some reason it still wont show any of the tech to sell in shops and it locks out my mech bay. I cant edit my mechs at all, Cant add them and start missions cant repair. They edited it to stop people from doing this ?.

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